Friday, 4 December 2020

A Chrimbly Friday

Here's some Friday fun, Katie @I live, I love, I craft, I am me...  came up with the idea of more photo treasures, this time it's posting about different things each Friday for the month of December - except for Christmas, it will be on the 31st instead. Please pay her a visit to see what others have posted, maybe you'll want to join in?

Decorations - a favourite one, or maybe more?
I have a Christmas village set up with various houses and buildings, but these are two pieces are my favourite. My Momma painted them for me years ago before her hands got too disfigured from her rheumatoid arthritis. She can barely hold a spoon now, so I treasure everything she's ever made.

I've had this little Odie on my tree it seems like forever! I still love this silly little dog, and have several other ornaments of him too. I also have plenty of stuffed animals and various other items, it's not very often I see much of him now though.

This came as a kit and I made several as gifts in the early 80's. I think this was my first ornament I stitched and kept. Or maybe I "borrowed" it from my parents?!

I know I have more, but I'll spare you and stick with these three.
Although I do have the manger that I grew up with, but couldn't find a photo of it and haven't brought it out yet.
Do you have a favourite decoration you like to put out every year?


Threads through my life said...

Love them all. The dog made me smile, a huge smile so thanks for including him. Your houses are so sweet, especially with the memories that go with them. I too could have posted many more photos....

kjsutcliffe said...

I can see why you love your little village - especially the one's with your mom's lovely painting work. I have a set of three 'Scandi-type' little houses, the kind you can put candles in - I shall have to show those when I bring them out later on in December xx thank you for joining in x

Mary said...

I can see why the Christmas houses are your favorites. I'm sure you treasure them. My grandmother made a few ornaments in a Senior group when I was in HS and I treasure them.

Carol said...

I love your little houses, I bet it’s lovely curled up in the warm with them all lit up ... and feels very festive πŸ˜ƒ

Clare-Aimetu said...

I love your houses, I have some Partylite houses for all times of years, they always look so lovely when lit.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I wish I had room for some little houses because I've always been fascinated by miniatures. Instead I send a Thomas Kincaide house floral arrangement to our son and his family every year and let THEM collect them. I love your little Odie - he reminded me of a silly little angel that has been on our tree since I was a little girl. I grew up on a farm where there wasn't much money so tree ornaments were 'creative' most of the time. The angel was a tag that came on a box of gifted chocolates and was stamped on the back with a price of (I think) 49 cents. Remember when grocers used to use those metal 'stampers' to stamp prices onto items....don't know the name of the tool but it was pretty common before they came up with using stickers and now UPC codes.

Susan Smith said...

Lovely & it's fun to see the things that only come out once a year & for them to spark our memories. The little dog is cute & your stitched stocking is gorgeous . Take care & stay safe.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Great Christmas Ornaments. The little houses are wonderful. I'd love to have a whole village on display but I think they would be too tempting for certain people!
I have got my stitched decorations out and will get up into the loft this week to get the rest of the stuff down ready for the tree next weekend. I've been collecting different Ornaments for years, all crystal, gold, silver and a splash of red.

Tigermouse said...

I love the little houses, I can imagine the complete little village looks really pretty. Love the little Odie too, he made me smile :)

Faith... said...

The Christmas village is beautiful Astrid and I am sure you will treasure it since it was stitched by your Mom. Odie is a cutie pie!!

Katie said...

Thanks for sharing. Love the houses your mom painted. How special.