Friday, 18 December 2020

A Chrimbly Friday 🎄

Here's the next Friday photo fun from Katie @I live, I love, I craft, I am me... and this week's word is... 

Tree - a snap shot of your tree, this year's, last year's, the black and white one of you as a tiny tot helping to decorate, the one on the village square, that shiny white one in the shop, a native tree bedecked with lights and bird feeders - any festive tree :)

Oh boy, do I have some trees for you, are you ready?!

DH's dear Nana gave me this lovely "old" tree that she made way back in 1971! I was so thrilled when she asked me if I wanted it. A lovely memory of her, we're still missing her five years later.

I know it's hard to see, but this tree is filled with Swarovski crystal ornaments.

This tree sits in the basement and has our family names ornaments and White House ornaments on it.

We were lucky to get some snow the other day, so it made the outside trees look even prettier.

This is an original tree made out of whisks in a kitchen shop.

Beautifully lit trees last year on my getaway with my chosen sister, Cori. Sadly we were unable to go this year, just not worth it.

Another place we won't be going to see is the Christmas tree at the White House and all the little State trees. But here's one from a previous visit.

I thought I would throw in this oldie with me and my older brother, taken at a party at our Dad's work. And I still love Fisher Price!

Now I didn't make this one, but my precious Momma did before her rheumatoid arthritis started. 

This is the surprise tree that Santa leaves out every Christmas Eve with pjs and little ornaments for the boys, although now it's just Nathan.

I stitched this one years ago and decided to keep it instead of giving it away like I usually do.

These are my parents trees, although you can barely see the green! Their little pup Addie is in there too, can you see her?

Here are the boys decorating the tree this year with their ornaments.

The almost finished tree because that night it fell over! We lost a couple ornaments and I was able to save the others. So a little tightening later, I got to redecorate it.

This is the first time I put this tree up in my craft room, filled with cross stitched ornaments from friends and exchanges.

Step away from Christmas, here's the last one for fun - a wine tree that was next door to us at the beach one year!

Be sure to check out the other trees, we'll have a forest at this rate!


Clare-Aimetu said...

What a superb collection of trees, beautiful heirlooms too. We have the Swarovski crystals from 2004, they hang at the top of our tree. You look very festive, Merry Christmas

Jak said...

What a gorgeous selection of trees, its hard to choose a favourite picture. The whisk one is amazing and as for the wine tree....!! But I think my favourite is your final one, after you had picked it up and sorted it out again. No just checked again.....I love them all. Have a Happy and safe Christmas and lets hope a much better 2021. x

shazza said...

Wow! Treetastic. I can't decide my favourite. Super impressed you have seen the White House tree in real life though. X

kjsutcliffe said...

What a fantastic display of trees - a festive forest indeed :)
thank you for joining in and here is to a safe and gentle chrimbly and a sparkly new year :) xx

Threads through my life said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who posted more than 1 photo. Love your selection and the stories with them. I too thought the whisk tree was delightful. What a naughty tree to fall over but glad you could rescue it. It's a good excuse to buy more decorations to replace the broken ones! x

Magpie's Mumblings said...

What fun! That whisk tree is amazing - I've never seen anything like it. I used to make those ceramic trees probably in the early 70's and gave a number of them away. Of course I didn't manage to keep one for myself and now I wish I had.

Linda said...

Love all of your trees Astrid. What a fun time putting them all up.


Cathy said...

Nice collection of trees and such a variety, too.

Susan Smith said...

What a fun post & although all are lovely, the 2 standouts were your Mum's crafty one & the whisk tree. So much patience going into both. Take care, stay safe & hugs from down under.

Vickie said...

Holy smokes Astrid! That is a LOT of fabulous trees! And that picture of you and your brother. Love it! You are so little and adorable!

diamondc said...

Astrid: Merry Christmas, what a fun post, I love the tree your Mother did.
So many fun and beautiful trees.


Barb said...

What a wonderful collection of tree photos! Plus I love the ones with people and a dog in the picture. Do your parents still put up that huge beautiful tree?

Tigermouse said...

What a wonderful collection of lovely trees, they are all so nice it's impossible to pick a favourite. I love the little pup, he looks so cute :)

Carol said...

What an absolutely fabulous collection ... I bet your house feels very festive 😃

Faith... said...

Oh my goodness Nathan looks like your brother, well minus those groovy pants! There are so many beautiful trees. Love the whisk tree, what an imagination they had. Of course I love the XS tree in your craft room the best.

Hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!

Mary said...

Beautiful trees!! How cute is that photo of you and your brother!! Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy and Healthy New Year! Mary

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

What a fantastic collection of Christmas trees! Something for every part of the prompt!
I am glad that you managed to rescue your fallen tree. Did it make a sound if no one saw it fall? Maybe ask the pets!
Love that photo of you and your brother too.

Katie said...

How fun. Thanks for sharing all your trees.

Sheryl said...

Goodness, what an amazing collection of very different trees, difficult to choose a favourite. I love the original tree of whisks in the kitchen shop and the pretty one your mum made. Also your parents tree full of decorations (including Addie) looks so cosy and interesting, would love to see each ornament. Happy New Year to you and yours.