Saturday, 26 September 2020

Friday's Stitching Ground πŸŽƒ

 This evening was spend in the Gartenhaus, with company! I headed out there by myself after getting my Mom to bed, but Miss Addie wasn't happy that I left her in the house so my Dad brought her out to keep me company.
The windows were open with the cool air coming in, it was wonderful! I had the "fire" on, but only the lights not the heat.

 I joined in on the Halloween 2020 SAL, created by Alyssa Westhoek, and finally started stitching the border on the material I had ice dyed earlier. It's just counting right now, easy peasy. I know I'll change some of the pattern on the border, but I won't figure that out until I see what's coming. Is anyone else stitching this?

So Addie and I saw this while walking today and seeing that big black band is supposed to mean we'll be having a hard winter. We'll see, but snow please! Have you heard what your weather is going to be like this winter?

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Scavenger Photo Hunt, September πŸ“·

Finally, it's beginning to feel like fall! I'm so looking forward to seeing all those beautiful colours in the falling leaves. And now it's time for Katie and her I live, I love, I craft, I am me ... scavenger photo hunt.

The words for September are...

Although you might not recognize this from last month's photo, this is our old house at Halloween, several years before the tear down. I love all the leaves in the front, but DH not so much! 

Favourite seat/place to sit...
I have plenty of places I enjoy sitting, but since I'm back helping out my parents this week, this is my favourite spot while here. Their Gartenhaus is the perfect place for stitching.

I know this is a cosy spot I really enjoy being next to, Ming and Maximus too!

Since it's officially fall, I'm all in for pumpkins, especially the coffee.. and muffins... and donuts... and ice cream... and cheesecake... you get the idea.

Micro/mini/teeny tiny...
This is sweet little Addie, my parents pup. She was certainly a tiny one when we picked her up for them last summer, she fit in Nathan's hat!

My own choice...
And another view of the Gartenhaus, I took this today while in my Mom's chapel. Can you see tree on the left is showing some colour? Yay!

And there you have September, be sure to take at look at what the others have posted.
See you next month! πŸŽƒπŸ‘»πŸ¦‡

Saturday, 19 September 2020

Friday's Stitching Ground ⛟

 Today was spent helping one of my chosen sisters move from West Virginia back to Maryland. Luckily, it was DH's day off so he was able to help too. Which also meant he drove us to pick up the truck near the house, so I was able to do some stitching on the way. I'm now working on the headless Indian couple.

This barn was on the way to the house and I liked it so I had to take a photo of it!

When we were finally done and back home, it was time to relax and do some more stitching in the enclosed porch. No real progress from the car stitching so nothing to really show.

And since it's finally been on the cooler side, it was tea time while stitching. Are you a tea drinker? If so, what is your favourite? I prefer PG Tips, but I also have plenty of flavoured tea that I enjoy, including a pumpkin one.

Saturday, 12 September 2020

Friday's Stitching Ground 🐝

Today I had several stitching spots. This morning it was with Ming since Chewie was in his crate. I really miss this!

Then I thought I would stitch while waiting to pick up Nathan at school, although it was a little stop and go.

And hey, a beer delivery came this afternoon and DH ordered a few pumpkin ones for me! I'm hoping the other two are better, I wasn't that fond of this one.

And this is how far I got today, Mr. Pilgrim is almost finished. I guess I didn't make as much progress as I thought I would/should.

Just a heads up, put your thinking caps on for turkey. More info coming soon... πŸ¦ƒ

Thursday, 10 September 2020

A Birthday Wish for my Dad πŸŽ‰

On October 6th, my Dad will be 80 years old!
For my Mom's 80th, so many of you were kind enough to send her a birthday card or birthday wishes and I was hoping to do the same for my Dad. A couple of weeks ago I posted about staying with my parents when Dad had his hand surgery and how much he does for my Mom. I think this would really be special for him, especially since it doesn't look like we'll really be able to have a big celebration.

He says he still has his scooter license... somewhere in the house!

Guy Fawkes Night in Wales

Dad's "Sun In" phase one summer which made his hair white with a tint of orange!

Hartland, Devon. One of my favourite places too.
And he still has that jacket too!

Having fun on his birthday a few years back.

My Dad really does everything for my Mom - even trying on her clothes to see what fits and what needs to be donated! πŸ˜†

So if you're interested in sending a card (via post or email) please let me know. I'll give you my address instead of his, that way he'll have no idea it's coming. I'm going to try and go see him on his actual birthday, although it might just be on my own. Also, please make sure I have an email address for you to respond.

And once again, I'm way behind on responding to your comments and reading blogs. And just when I thought I was almost caught up, I'll get there!

Saturday, 5 September 2020

Friday's Stitching Ground πŸšͺ

Chewie was very busy tonight, between being with me, to racing downstairs to be with DH. I think he'll sleep well tonight.
I'm still working on Happy Thanksgiving, but started the pilgrim so I don't have to decide on the leaves yet!

I'm sure she'll look better once she's back stitched.

This evening it's finally cool enough to have the door open to let the cool air in... bring on the fall! And look, I have the perfect beer for this weather, a Harvest Patch Shandy, it's delicious.

Here is trouble himself, opening the basement door with encouragement from DH below. 

And what else did he get into today? He was outside in the muddy mess with all the rain we've had, and decided to let himself in via the screened in porch and then the door to the house... leaving muddy paw prints on both handles and then all over the floor until Nathan caught him to wipe his feet. Oh well, I needed to wash the floor today anyway.
Hmm, something the cats would never do!

Oops, I forgot my question - what pumpkin goodies have you enjoyed since it's now September? No way could I wait until October.