Thursday, 20 June 2019

Birthday/Father's Day fun and fun finds

I pretty much celebrated my birthday all weekend, starting by going to Manor Mill (Friday's Stitching Ground) on Friday afternoon. On Saturday we went to a revamped place near us, Brewer's Art Tavern... we'll be back! Then on Sunday, my actual birthday and Father's Day, the boys made DH and I breakfast AND cleaned up too... eventually! Another dinner to celebrate our day, and then finally there was cake!

DH made my favourite, a lemon cake with lemon curd filling and lemon icing, delicious. πŸ‹

This is how much Cori loves me because she HATES zombies! She also gave me the beautiful bracelet... sisters.
My parents gave me the mermaid on the left, Gman1 gave me the one on the right - I'm easy to please. I'll show you Gman2's gift when I get it, but I need to give him a picture first.

 Oh, what fun I'm going to have making treats in these! 
Cori said she bought it when we went away before Christmas and wrapped it straight away so she wouldn't have to look at it!

She also got me this dragon towel - having fun.

These are some of my finds this week at a thrift store and our church white elephant sale. I bought two mags for these patterns, I'd like to think I'll stitch them soon. And a Dalek mug, Nathan claimed it though!

More goodies today, I love that the beach one still has the mat with it. I might use the wine glass charms for wine glasses, or maybe for stitching?
I've been volunteering this week and some next week, so every day is a new treasure if I'm lucky!

This is what I made for my Dad for Father's Day, and thankfully he received it on time. I ended up gluing it to a board I cut and then added a magnet to the back so he could position it the way he wanted. Not perfect, but I was happy with it.

And he found a spot for it! The big wall was too dark for it, so he put it in the kitchen so he can see it every day. He said he has always wanted a ship in a bottle, although I'm not sure he thought he'd get it this way!

Overall a great way to spend our shared day/weekend together!


diamondc said...

Astrid: Happy Birthday, I am sure you had loads of fun, how lovely your husband
made a cake so sweet of him.
Lovely gifts you received.
I am loving the Ship in a bottle finish, what a great idea to mount it on a ships wheel.


Barb said...

You all do a great job of celebrating. Really nice mermaids, I'm not too big on the zombies but it sounds like you sister wasn't either! Now I call that a perfect gift, not what you would like but what the recipient would like! So glad your birthday was great. The cake sounded really good!

Rachel said...

Glad you had a great weekend full of family time and lovely presents. The zombies are definitely 'different' and I'll be interested to see what you have planned for them! :)

Katie said...

What a celebration. Love all your new goodies. The mermaids are fantastic of course. I love the dragon blanket. The ship in the bottle looks amazing that way. Love it!

Vickie said...

How wonderful that your husband baked a cake for you!! Happy Birthday my friend! :) What wonderful gifts! I like the way you finished the ship in a bottle for your dad. :)

Linda said...

Happy Birthday Astrid. I love all of your gifts. Great thrift finds. Congrats on finishing the boat. It turned out great.


Julie said...

Looks like you had the best of times celebrating your birthday. I'm a lemon cake fan too.
A great way to finish Dads gift, that does look fabulous.

RJ said...

Happy Birthday Astrid. Looks like your day was perfect. I'm also a lemon cake girl. I have been out of town for about five weeks and I'm just now catching up with all of my blogging friends. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

So glad that you had a wonderful Birthday with your family. It's nice when you have a clear liking for something like the mermaids, it makes gift giving so much easier! Not so good when your children share your likes and steal your Dr Who mug LOL