Saturday, 29 December 2018

Spike's last ten days πŸŽ…

Oh boy, more antics from Spike and Scotch.

On day sixteen, they ventured to the basement to pay Father Christmas a visit.

On day seventeen, they sat with Pooh and Piglet to get warm by their fire.
Nana gave me that lovely ceramic tree years ago, before she passed away. She made it the year DH was born and I treasure it.

On day eighteen, they brought Buzz and Woody to visit Tigger.

On day nineteen, they tried to play with Nathan's Magic Flow Ring, but got stuck!

On day twenty, they left Nathan a white hot chocolate mix and hot chocolate kisses.
Hmm, I was away the night before, I wonder who didn't let Scotch out? Ew!

On day twenty one, they made Nathan an Elf style breakfast. Um, he wasn't very hungry that morning!

On day twenty two, they joined Santa's Marching Band.

On day twenty three, they left some Elf eggs...
which turned out to be treats for us all!

On day twenty four, more eggs for the family.
Oooh, little grown up "eggs"!

On day twenty five, they paid a visit to the Manger to see baby Jesus.
Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Even Maximus and Ming were getting in the holiday spirit, but maybe not too happy about it.

I hope you all had a very Happy Christmas, now I need to get back to some blog reading and finish some stitching!

Friday, 28 December 2018

A Birthday Wish for My MommaπŸŽ‚

On January 7th, my Mom will be 80 years old and she never thought she'd still be around!

At about 40, she was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and it's been a battle ever since. This time last year she was in the hospital and we thought she wouldn't make it, but yet she pulled through. She went through rehab and more hospital stays and ultimately needed a trach tube to help her breath better. She's unable to eat regular food and Dad has to make all of her meals pureed and her drinks need to be thickened. Needless to say, she's not very thrilled with her menu options!

 We went to visit them yesterday for Christmas and I stayed the night to spend more time with them since DH and the boys had to go back home. She wasn't doing very well, too much walking for her, and she almost couldn't make it to bed. This morning my Dad picked up her Prednisone from the drug store and soon after she had a dose, she was feeling a bit better and eventually walking around a little easier.
I don't know who I worry about more, her, or Dad who is exhausted taking care of her!

Doesn't she look amazing? You'd never know how she really feels, she doesn't like to complain.

We were going to have a big party for her 80th, but quite honestly, it would be too much for her to handle. My older brother and family are coming next week to visit with her, and I'm not sure when my younger brother can visit. The boys and I are planning on surprising her on her actual birthday since they'll still be home from college. I need to make her a dessert she can actually eat!

To make a long story short, she was thrilled to receive all the get well cards earlier in the year that so many of you sent her (thank you, thank you!) and I thought it would be nice for her to enjoy some birthday cards as well. Any takers? If you're interested, she's still at the same address as before, or I can sent it to you. I realize they might not make it for her actual birthday, but why not extend the celebration?! Or if it's easier to write a note and send it to me, I can print it out to put in a card and give it to her.

Thanks for "listening" to me ramble on!

Friday, 21 December 2018

The People Chose... 🐲

Somehow I deleted this post but was able to find it again to repost it - luckily it kept the comments!

Head over to Jo @ Serendipitous Stitching to see what I'm talking about.

I stitched this for Master Nathan after he was born. I'm sorry to say it still has yet to be framed!

I stitched this little guy for DH for Valentine's Day one year. He hangs in the coffee/tea nook.

These are a few of the dragon patterns I have yet to stitch, maybe they'll make it for the year of starts!
And so many freebies out there, I'm in trouble.

The tiny dragon corner.

My dragon shelf in the cabinet that it's my craft room. I'm sure I can squeeze a few more in there.

Proud to be Welsh, love those dragons!

Until next time, hopefully I'll be more on time with posting.

Sunday, 16 December 2018

More fun with S&S πŸ₯ž

More trouble, fun!

On day eleven, Spike had his special elf cereal. He always makes a mess, which makes Scotch very happy!

On day twelve, Zurg was upset that he'd been left out, so he elfnapped Spike and Scotch. But look who came to their rescue!

On day thirteen, after their rescue, they hid out in the snow to relax.

On day fourteen, they made friends with the mermaids in my craft room. Nathan wasn't very impressed!

On day fifteen, they decided to make pancakes... but just for themselves, what?! I hope they decide to share the next time they get cooking.

I've gotten some small stitching done, with help of course.

Monday, 10 December 2018

Spike's been busy 🍬

The mischief continues. 

On day six, Spike and Scotch decided to have fun in a gumball pit. Nathan wasn't very happy, he was afraid they might leave "something" behind!

On day seven, Buzz and Woody wanted to be included in wearing Christmas hats.

On day eight, they all went on a dragon ride!

On day nine, Scotch got stuck in the gumball machine... or was he put there?!

On day ten, they thought they'd help me out by packing Nathan's lunch. Um, no!

Darn, no more finished stitching.

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

The Return of Spike πŸ“Έ

Oh boy, it's that time of year again, Spike and Scotch have returned! Let's see what they've been up to so far.

I'm not sure if they're trying to steal Nathan's advent chocolate, or if they're getting it for him.

On day two, it looks like they were trying to take it for themselves, so they ended up in "jail" with the Grinch.

On day three, Spike decided to behave and took it upon himself to help me by finishing an ornament, 

and then gave it to Nathan.

On day four, they thought it was a good idea to get in a "snowball" fight with the snowmen.

On day five, he borrowed my camera to take pictures of Scotch and the Misfit Toys.

And this is what he came up with.
Is the one in the middle considered an "Elfie"?!

Sunday, 2 December 2018

Day 2 of the Advent Calendar πŸŽΆπŸŽ„

Welcome to day 
of Jo's Online Advent Calendar!
If you're new to blogging and have no idea what I'm talking about, go take a look at her blog to follow along.

I know this is an oldie and one I've posted before, but it fits this year's question. This is one of the first ones I stitched as a kit, probably in the 80's.

And another oldie, this is one I stitched on the flip side of a cat piece.

If I had my act together, these would be finished by now!

Jo's asked each of us what our favourite Christmas song is. I have way more than one, but this is one of my favourites that I grew up with, Must be Santa.
So many of the older songs I remember my Dad playing are being heard on the radio now, so it's great. Whether it be the original or a remake.

Mele Kalikimake sung by Bing Crosby and,
I Saw Three Ships (Come Sailing in) was my Nana's favourite, one of mine too.
If you're not participating in this year's Advent Calendar, please let me know your favourite!

Day 2 is also shared with sweet Barb @ Wicked Stitcher, so please be sure to pay her a visit.
The lovely Kaye @ Kitten Stitching has Day 3 of Jo's Advent, head on over there tomorrow.

So thanks, Jo, for another fun event, it wouldn't be Christmas without it! I'm looking forward to hearing what others like to listen to. Maybe we'll all get to hear something new!

Friday, 30 November 2018

Thanksgiving x2 🍽🍷

As much as I love everything pumpkin, I'm happy it's cranberry time!
Cranberry coffee with cranberry cake, what a beautiful way to start the day.

Thanksgiving eve brought DH and I to this new place, Sapwood Cellars. I had the Thanks and Giving, with cranberries of course! It wasn't bad, but definitely could have had more cranberry flavour. 

It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without watching the parade... it's Toothless, from How to Train Your Dragon.

Oh boy, SpongeBob

Mini Bobs

That Grinch

Father Christmas!

The only pictures taken that night were of my chosen sisters, and we were colour coordinated!

Saturday brought us through the mountains to my parents house to have Thanksgiving with them.

Nathan reading an old annual while waiting for dinner.

Dad loves to get fancy for special dinners.

And you can't be there without having a "few" photos taken.
Mom is doing okay, although she seems to be in more pain from her arthritis, but she's tough. Dad was exhausted, so we took over prepping for dinner when we got there so he got to relax and chit chat.

Oh my, another picture! Gman2 spent the night with them so Dad could take him to the train station in Cumberland on Sunday evening to head back to school. He'll be back mid December for break, so it will be nice to have all the boys back home!

And in stitching news, I've finished this and just need to put it together. Maybe that's something Spike will do tonight since tomorrow is DECEMBER!