Thursday, 8 June 2017

TH Thursday

THinking, THinking, THinking...

THinking THoughts, and being THankful on THursdays.

Did you know today was National Best Friends Day?!

I'm thankful that I was able to actually see FOUR of my dear friends!
I got to see Elizabeth before she moves 😭.
I surprised DJ with a quick hello and a hug πŸ€—.
I had dinner with two "old" friends ~ Lisa, who I've been friends with since we were five years old 😲, and Linda, who was a role model for me on how to be a fabulous Mother πŸ’•
An extra bonus, I get to see Cori tomorrow evening 😊!

Did you get to see any of your dear friends today, or have plans to?


Katie said...

No just family yesterday but I get to see a whole bunch of friends not this weekend but next on our next camping trip of the year. Can't wait!

cucki said...

Beautiful post..
Sending you love and hugs x

Goofin' Off Around the Block said...

The only friend I got to see yesterday was the hubby. Yesterday was a get as much as I can get done day as the next couple of days are filled up completely...starting with a dentist appointment in an hour. I will be seeing lots and lots of friends and family this weekend. --Andrea

Tiffstitch said...

I'm lucky that I work with friends, so I get to see some every day, and we might be getting together tomorrow for games night! Glad you had a good time with your friends. :)

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Actually I did! I run a Toddler Group with Maria and we met for coffee as the hall was being used as a Polling Station so there was no group.
I also met a work colleague today to hear all about her holiday! Instead of talking inbetween customers!

Julie said...

I had a lovely lunch with a friend onWednesday

Debbie W. said...

Totally by chance, I spent yesterday morning with three friends, preparing for a fund-raising flea market, and we had a lovely time together, although none of us knew anything about it being National Best Friends Day. What a happy accident! :)

Maggee said...

Well, got to see an old friend who moved to Tennessee while on a trip to Alabama on the 9th... that was great!

james brownn said...

This is very educational content written well for a change. It's nice to see that some people still understand how to write a quality post.!
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