Yesterday, Nathan and I went to our church's White Elephant sale to donate things and shop.
They have books, magazines, DVD's, music, seasonal items, toys (Nathan's fav), and STUFF!
In the craft section, I'm looking around and see this, thinking, "Hey, this looks familiar... I made this!!!"
It was a little mason jar I filled with chocolates and gave to ๐ I can't remember who! It was either a teacher's aide or Nathan's bus driver, I've got sometimers and can't remember which one!
It was originally supposed to be a card, but I made this instead.
So for 50ยข, I bought it back and it was filled with buttons. I didn't know whether to be happy or sad!
After that surprising discovery, I found this box of beads for $3. Perfect for stitching OR jewelry, and the box holds them nicely.
Then I found these for $3 a box! I know I already have all the colours, but having extra doesn't hurt and I can share with my gf who's learning to stitch.
Now this is different, I've never seen it before. Since we've been to all these places, I thought it might be worth trying - and if not, 50ยข for nine colours of WDW was worth it!
My final craft purchase was this yarn to make scarfs. I'm not sure if the black and gold will be for my team, the Saints, or my gf's team, the Steelers.
Um, Geaux Saints!
I'd say my $11.50 was well spent!
Every day brings something new, so we'll head back there today to donate more and go shopping.
I know I'm behind on blog reading and posting about our trip, I'll work on that this week. Next week I'll be with Nathan and 13 Arrow of Lights Scouts at scout camp - ALL DAY AS A CO-LEADER - wish me luck!