Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Fun with friends and dogs!

Running the battery out, but not the dog! ï»¿

Nothing like snacking on a pinecone.

Going for a ride whether they like it or not.
 Noooo killing of the dragon, I don't care if it is your toy!  Naughty dogs, but they're cute!



Parsley said...

Pugs are so entertaining. Looks like all were having fun except the toy dragon. Lol

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos!

JShelby said...

mmmm...delicious delicious pine cone. Wait - what?
I hope the dragon is okay!

Linda said...

Adorable pictures Astrid. Poor dragon.


Penny said...

Although we have cats, Pugs are a favorite in my house. :) Maybe some day?? :) They are so cute!