My girlfriend, Ronda, who I grew up with, will be speaking on Saturday about "Lies Women Believe About Relationships" and she is asking these questions...

Ladies, your help is needed! On Saturday I'll be leading a discussion on, "Lies Women Believe About Relationships." I've been asking women the following survey questions, and would love to use your answers too as part of the discussion... anonymously of course.
Question 1: Name one lie a man has told you. Anything from I'm not married to I'll remember to take out the trash. Please keep it clean!
Question 1: Name one lie a man has told you. Anything from I'm not married to I'll remember to take out the trash. Please keep it clean!
Question 2: What is one lie you have believed about relationships? I know too numerous to mention. :)
Thank you for your help.
Guys don't be offended, I know women have also told their fair share of untrue statements etc...
If you'd rather not show what your response may be, please just email me directly and I won't post it. I'll also be sending it anonymously to her.
Answer for Question 1 - Yes I'll fix that or get round to that on my holidays, not a problem!
Ha Ha Ha
#1 - Yes, I'm listening to you. I've heard everything you said.
#2 - I have believed that if I was a better cook; a better lover; a better mother; kept a cleaner house; was more like his mom; you know these; that the problems we were having would go away.
Sounds like an interesting lecture!
I suppose the number one lie is "I'll call you". Or text/email for the modern girl.
The second answer would be that men want casual relationships and women want a serious commitment. When I was last single it was definitely the other way round! I wanted to concentrate on my son and just date for company and fun but every guy wanted to get more serious. And then got upset when I said I wasn't interested. It's not just me either, I've heard the same thing from other women of my age too.
Let us know how your friend gets on.
If they are good 'liars' you don't know. That being said, I don't KNOW if any fella ever lied to me, but likely so...
hmmmm... question 1: "we can still be friends"
question 2: I blame Disney for this one - but every time I got my heart stomped on I seemed to really believe that if I was sad enough, the stomper would return and beg forgiveness. LOL seems so silly now
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