Sunday, 31 October 2021

Trick or Treat Blog Hop πŸŽƒ 2021

Start there to see where to begin collecting all the letters from the other blogs to figure out the Halloween phrase for this year.

My Halloween stitching this year is my finish of The Haunted Mansion by tiny modernist. I started this in the beginning of 2020 and I loved stitching every bit of it!
I did it on 32 count, over one, I didn't want this to be a big piece. I still have to get it framed properly, but thought this was appropriate for today.

I made several changes to "make it my own" 
~ The witch is now green, I added whiskers to the cat, and I made her broom with strands of floss.
~ I have the Invisible Man sitting in the chair, although he's been accused of being the Purple People Eater!
~ I made Frankenstein's Monster taller with thicker boots.
~ I changed the skeleton at the front door to a Zombie.
~ I changed one of the skeletons sitting at the table, to the Mummy from another tiny modernist pattern. 
~ I started to add an arm coming out of one of the graves, but can't decide if I want to continue.

Now the letter you've been looking for...

For your next Halloween haunt, head over to see sweet Cathy @The Stitching Grandma.


Mary said...

Happy Halloween!! Your changes are great, such a fun piece to stitch!! Love it!!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I'm not a huge fan of Halloween, but I do love this! All the fun little details must have made it such fun to stitch. Can't get bored when there's always a new little treasure to add!

Ruth said...

Nice edits! Happy Halloween!

A Patchwork of Crafts said...

Amending things to make them your own is a lot of fun.

Denise :) said...

What a darling piece! I love it when a stitcher adds her own touch to a pattern and makes it her own. Great job! Happy Halloween! :)

beadgirl said...

Happy Halloween! Love your changes to the pattern, and I'm super impressed you did the whole thing over one.

RONI said...

I love your additions, I do like to play with things on a pattern to make it unique

Shelly said...

How fun! Happy Halloween!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for taking part in the Halloween Blog Hop this year. Your Haunted House is wonderful and VERY appropriate for the Hop this year!
I love how it looks stitched over one too.

Barb said...

What a cute design!

Mary's Thread said...

What a fun piece! You must have really enjoyed stitching it and all the details make it very special! Happy Halloween!

Clare-Aimetu said...

Thank you for your letter. I love your Haunted Maison, great stitching. Happy Halloween πŸŽƒ

Tiffstitch said...

Congratulations on an amazing finish!!

Leonore Winterer said...

Your haunted mansion looks great, love the changes you made! Thanks for the letter.