Tuesday, 7 September 2021

Scavenger Photo Hunt - School πŸ“· 🏫

Welcome to the first word of the Scavenger Photo Hunt for September. As always, anyone can join in with whatever inspires you and I can always add it after the sign up is closed. It was Labour Day weekend for us, so I'm way late in posting.
This week's word is -

This photo is of my Dad in 1955, in Braintree, Essex. He's standing in front of the school his Father taught in.

My brother at 16, at boarding school, Grenville College.

School means homework! This was in our old house and the Gmen's study space.

Awe, Nathan's turn to go to school.

Then onto kindergarten! Can you tell he was excited to go?

This is a yearly Laps for Lexi event that we attend at Sandy Spring Friends School, and will be doing it this month. You can read more about it here. This also applies to school since this is for a friend I went to elementary school with and some of our other school friends join in too.

School means High School Football! Too bad Nathan isn't interested in football like his big brothers.

It also means Mom got to wear school spirit wear!

School is also Vacation Bible School. I miss those days!

I think the only school stitching I have is the little red schoolhouse with the apple in the corner.
There are things I've stitched for teachers, but can't remember them all!

See you Friday for Pizza, yum! 
Ever have dessert pizza? More yum!


Linda said...

I so enjoy seeing all of your pictures Astrid.


Threads through my life said...

As usual, lovely pictures. Your brother's school looks an interesting building! Better than the modern schools they build today. I had to chuckle when I saw the Gmen's study space! See you next weekend.

Carol said...

The G-mens homework study area looks like my work desk used to look … organised chaos πŸ˜‚

Jak said...

I just adore that photograph of your G men doing their homework. its the clutter and books scattered everywhere that just make it so good. Nice picture of the family together with your older boys in their football gear. xx

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Fun to see your kiddos in the school setting. Just have to hope and pray that those that are going to school this year will stay safe.
As for dessert pizza - I used to make a pizza cookie when the boys were small.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Great photos, especially the study area! Looks like my son's bedroom floor too!