Friday, 19 February 2021

Scavenger Photo Hunt - February πŸ“·⛄

Welcome to this week's Scavenger Photo Hunt from Katie @I live, I love, I craft, I am me... The word this week is...

Unexpected is defined as not expected; unforeseen; surprising

I moved one of our bird feeders on the deck so we could see the birds a little better, although it took them about five days to figure out it was there.
Not that seeing a cardinal was totally unexpected, but it's always a nice surprise to see them there!

Here's the female, she's pretty too.

And this little guy would have worked for last week too, good old Woody Woodpecker! He was an unexpected surprise.

I'm really not quite sure what kind of "bird" this is, but he's trying hard to get his share of the bird seed!

This is not my photo, but my Dad sent it to me this morning and I felt it was appropriate for this week!
My nephew is currently staying with my parents for a little while and he "promised Oma a snowman. However, the snow would not cooperate and so this cheeky little bugger greeted her on the windowsill this morning."

Be sure to check out what other unexpected photos others have posted.


Threads through my life said...

Red Cardinals are lovely. Being in the UK I only see photos etc of them so I'm envious of you having them visit your bird feeders. Cute little snowman!

Tigermouse said...

I like the Red Cardinals, they look so cute with the little tufts on their heads. When I was at work the other day I heard a woodpecker somewhere in the trees, the first one I've heard in ages :)

kjsutcliffe said...

Beautiful birds - but like you, I am not sure what the 'proper' name is for that black four pawed bird(chuckle). The snowman made me smile too :) x

Jak said...

How lovely to see Red Cardinals again. Only ever saw them in our garden in Amanzimtoti, Durban, South Africa. But sadly not here in the UK. But I can identify the big black bird in the last picture. As soon as I read your story about him the Everly Brothers song came to mind.....Bird Dog. Its on YouTube. I can hear the tune now. So thanks for that memory - it was an unexpected surprise for me!!! πŸ˜€ Just checked when it was released - 1959. Oh dear, I remember it from then , had their LP. x

Carol said...

Oh I am more than a little envious of your bird spotting ... we get a fair few but mainly sparrows, blackbirds and starlings ... so not that colourful at all. Hopefully we see blue tires and goldfinches later in the year πŸ˜ƒ

Mary said...

Thanks for the laugh this morning!!! I get deer licking up the seeds that the birds drop...never a big black dog!!

Vickie said...

I love that you got a picture of the female cardinal. :) That is an adorable snowman your nephew made your Mom.

Linda said...

Another set of cute pictures Astrid.


diamondc said...

Astrid: Such adorable photos, thank-you for sharing.
Have a wonderful day


Kaisievic said...

Great photos, Astrid.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Such great photos! We see little woodpeckers on our suet feeder every day - they often seem to fall asleep and will sit unmoving for the longest time. We hear cardinals but they rarely put in an appearance. I'll bet your mom was absolutely delighted with her little 'peeping snowman'

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Great snowy photos. I still can't get over Cardinals! I thought the bright red in cross stitch designs was just artistic license until I saw some photos on people's blogs!

Faith... said...

What a cute snowman for your Mom! I bet she loved it. And that last picture of a bird... I hope you figure out what he is soon because I think my daughter would be interested in getting one too!! LOL

Tiffstitch said...

Beautiful photos of the cardinals and love that little snowman!

Sheryl said...

Great post, love the Cardinals and the snowman.