Sunday, 22 November 2020

Let's Talk Turkeys! πŸŽ¨πŸ–

So has anyone created a turkey in disguise? So far, I have two people that have and I'm going to work on mine later today.

This turkey looks like the one the kids use, so use this to print out and disguise.
Paper, feathers, ribbons, tissue paper, cotton balls, floss, or just about anything you can think of to help the little guy out.

I'm using a link up for the first time, I hope it works out!

And good news from those 1st graders at Nathan's school, I have one class with their turkeys and I'm waiting on the other two classes.

Can you decorate as well as a 1st grader?!


Magpie's Mumblings said...

Such fun! Looking forward to seeing some of the creations.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Got my turkey on my blog! This is such a fun idea, can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with.

Faith... said...

Thanks Astrid! It was a fun project! Looking forward to seeing lots of turkeys ;)

Suzanne H said...

I've hopped over from Jo's blog and saw this "Save the Turkey" project and had to join in. Wonderful fun. Happy Thanksgiving!