Saturday, 15 August 2020

Friday's Stitching Ground 🌎🍊

Did you know? Were you able to stitch?

Just getting comfy with the kitties, it's the only place the dog can't come in and Maximus feels safe! I think I might need to add a recliner in there for us.

We're all thankful to be be together!

I changed the pumpkin colour, it should look better when backstitched. The three leaves I stitched are using a different thread than what's shown. I thought it would be okay, but now I'm thinking I should get what's called for, it has more green in it. Thoughts?

And hey, it was also National Creamsicle Day!
I had both of these today, that Tippy Cow is so delicious.

So what did you stitch today, and did you happen to have anything orange?!


Magpie's Mumblings said...

Alas no cross stitching for me - can't see well enough at the moment to even contemplate it. And who knew there was such a thing as Creamsicle Day!

Linda said...

Nice progress Astrid. I think it looks fine. No stitching yet today. Stitched with white yesterday.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

You definitely need a recliner! The cats look comfy though.
I stitched on Saturday, I stitch every day. But not as part of that event.

Katie said...

Of course I didn't get to stitch on world cross stitch day. I think your pumpkin and leaves will look fine when backstitched I bet. I hope to make up for the missed stitching this week. We'll see.

Barb said...

What a cozy picture of you and your kitties! That is such a pretty Thanksgiving piece.

Sheryl said...

Not much stitching done this weekend, hopefully tonight. I think your Thanksgiving piece will look better with the backstitching done, could mix the colour of the leaves too, add some a shade or two darker.

Faith... said...

You made quite a bit of progress on that piece. Poor Chewie; he just wants to be friends!

diamondc said...

Astrid: What a cute post, your fur babies is like my baby wanting to be by mom always.
Nice stitching.
Polar Seltzer looks yummy.


Bethan said...

A recliner is totally needed! I didn't know it was world cross-stitch day, but I was cross-stitching! x