Saturday, 29 August 2020

Friday's Stitching Ground ♿

Since Tuesday, I've been at my parents house and I'll be here until Sunday. Here's where I've been stitching in the evenings,
I'm in the bedroom in the basement.

I'm still working on Happy Thanksgiving, but also on some other smaller pieces during the week. Dexter has been keeping me company down here, maybe I should have brought Max with me? Especially since I saw a baby snake in the bathroom this afternoon... WTH?! Dad read about putting out glue traps and when the snake gets stuck on it, spray oil on it to make it easy for it to escape - outside of course!

Anyway, I think I might have made the leaf choice a little harder, I can't figure out which one to use now. The one the left is what I used for the lower leaves and I think it's too light. The one on the right is what I used for the upper leaves and I think there might be too much brown in it. I thought the bottom one might have been an option, but now I'm thinking it's too dull. Thoughts?

The reason I'm here is because my Dad had carpal tunnel surgery on Wednesday and I needed to be here to help out with my Mom since he can't do it one handed.
And let me tell you, he does everything in the house, from the shopping, cooking, laundry, cleaning (although they did finally find someone to help with that), taking care of the dog, and the most important thing he does is take care of my Momma.
From the time she wakes up in the morning - helping her get out of bed and getting to the bathroom, helping her get dressed, and then getting her in her chair, either in the living room or her room with the tv. Breakfast is a protein drink, so at least that's easy. Making her coffee the way she likes it, tea several times a day, and her juice, all have to be thickened.
Of course all that drinking means trips to the bathroom and helping her while in there! She needs help walking there or getting in the wheelchair if she's been sitting in the living room. Then it's dinner (lunch) time, her hot meal that needs to be pureed so that can take some time. At least for her tea (dinner), it's easier with a pudding, applesauce, or yogurt. And we can't forget that she has her meds 5x's a day.
Then it's time for bed soon after that, back into the bathroom, lotions applied, wheeled into the bedroom with eye drops, lotion of her face and hands and don't forget the feet!
Sometimes I worry more about my Dad doing so much, he's always tired and so having a little break now and then is a good thing. I'll be back next month when he has his other hand done.

Oh, and don't forget taking Miss Addie out for her walks several times a day!

But at least that means we get to see some deer, there are plenty of them and Addie thinks she can get them.

This morning I got to sleep in a little bit, Dad actually got Momma out of bed with one hand and had her in her room before he woke me up. He had some tests and bloodwork he needed to have done at 8am and I had to take him. I waited in the car and this was my view. I'm starting to see some colour in the trees!

And hey, there are lots of memories down in the basement, yearly family photos! These aren't all of them, but some of them. We try and do this with our family too, but it doesn't have to be formal. Oh my, those fashions, just a little scary. Do you have scary photos like these in your house?!

Friday, 28 August 2020

Scavenger Photo Hunt, August 📷

Oh my, this has certainly been a wet month. But for the moment, the rain has stopped and the sun is shining once again.
It's almost the end of the month and that means it's time for Katie and her I live, I love, I craft, I am me ... scavenger photo hunt.

The words for August are...

Ah, moving into my craft room in our new house, although it's been almost six years now. It's also where I do a lot of making!

Now if you have a cat and a box, you're going to have a cat in a box!
Here's Maximus saying don't forget me when we moved.

And here he is helping pack up Ming!

One more, Monster Max in a box.

Starts with a D...
This was our old house being taken down to build our new one. The chimney was the last to go, it kept us warm for many years.

The breakfast of champions! This is Spike and Scotch, they made Nathan breakfast one morning in December. For some reason, he wasn't very hungry. We know Buddy the Elf would have loved it.

And here's Nathan when he was little, helping me make Welsh cakes for St. David's Day.

These are some of the masks I made for DH. Now I need to make some for the boys to wear at school.

My own choice...
"Are you sure I'm not allowed in the kitchen?"

And there you have August, please go take a look and see what others have posted for this month!

Thursday, 27 August 2020

Family & Fun Time 💞

Last week, DH took off Wednesday and Thursday for family time since we couldn't take a vacation this summer and he's been working this whole time during the craziness. He already had off on Friday, so we had a bonus day too.

On Wednesday, we to went for a hike at Cunningham Falls. It was a beautiful day and we were mostly in the shade.

The guys got a little more closer than I did, I probably would have fallen!

Seeing some love on the rocks.

On the way home, we stopped for a late lunch and a drink at Idiom Brewing Co. Love those sours!

On Thursday, we went to Conowingo Dam. Poor Chewie did not like the winding road to get there and tossed all of his breakfast, yuck! Luckily it was on the plastic mat so I was able to dump in the grass. I guess it turned out to be a special treat for the vultures.

There were signs warning you about the vultures causing damage to vehicles and to park at your own risk, and it's true! This was not our car, although when we came back from looking at the dam, our car looked just like this! I decided to move it away from them and then we continued on our walk.

This was near the dam.

And home to lots of Eagles! We didn't see very many, but we/I'll be back to see some more later in the year.

This was a nice and easy hike, and Gman1's girlfirend C was able to join us, although she's apparently hidden in this photo!

We stopped for a little sit down by the rocks, Chewie didn't seem to like the water as much as we though he would.

View from the trail.

And some fun on the way back!

And imagine, we stopped at Independent Brewing Co for another late lunch and drinks! Poor Chewie, he was only allowed water. 

And for our Friday's adventure, see last week's post here for our golfing outing.

Last week I also tried ice dyeing for the first time. I had two fabric pieces and two white shirts I didn't wear very often, they might have had some stains on them?

Pretty in purple!

It seems to be working...

So close!
And then it rained that night/morning and I forgot that it was outside, oops. No worry, they still turned out.

The larger piece I got at a sale, so no biggie if it didn't turn out.

The smaller piece. a little too much white?

So maybe one of these patterns? I have lots more, but they're smaller. Any other suggestions?

And I like the way the shirts turned out!

So we had some great family days, just not quite what we had originally had planned for our summer.

Saturday, 22 August 2020

Friday's Stitching Ground ⛳

Today's stitching ground brought me to Topgolf for a family outing. The guys were swinging away, while C and I sat and watched them and I was able to put in some stitches in another new project.
We had a great time together and Nathan has decided he wants to have his birthday party there in November... we'll see what the world looks like then!

This makes a perfect travel kit, so easy to take anywhere.
It was given to me by Cathy @ The Stitching Grandma, after she had finished with it. It's supposed to be a red car with a Christmas tree on it, but I'm changing it to a very short red truck!
Thanks again, Cathy, I might have to stitch it for another friend after this one is finished for my Dad.

More family staycation adventures soon. Have you had any new-to-you local getaways this summer?

Saturday, 15 August 2020

Friday's Stitching Ground 🌎🍊

Did you know? Were you able to stitch?

Just getting comfy with the kitties, it's the only place the dog can't come in and Maximus feels safe! I think I might need to add a recliner in there for us.

We're all thankful to be be together!

I changed the pumpkin colour, it should look better when backstitched. The three leaves I stitched are using a different thread than what's shown. I thought it would be okay, but now I'm thinking I should get what's called for, it has more green in it. Thoughts?

And hey, it was also National Creamsicle Day!
I had both of these today, that Tippy Cow is so delicious.

So what did you stitch today, and did you happen to have anything orange?!

Saturday, 8 August 2020

Friday's Stitching Ground 🏡

Just a little behind in posting, I'll "blame" my Dad... and the new darn blogger!
On Wednesday I headed to my parents to help out because my Dad was having carpel tunnel surgery and wouldn't be able to take care of my Mom. To make a long story short, his appointment was for a consult and not surgery like he thought! He was not a happy camper and now it's been rescheduled for later in the month, although he's going to try something to possibly avoid surgery.
After that fiasco, I was going to leave on Friday but they asked if I could stay until Saturday because they missed me. Awe, how could I say no?
So Friday evening after Mom was in bed, I headed to the Gartenhaus to stitch. With the fan on and the windows open, it was nice and cool. 

My setup, complete with my ipad and sipping on my Dad's chosen beer, he wanted a lime one.

Dad came in later to visit me and, surprise, take some photos!

Here's the Gartenhaus as he was coming outside.

So I changed things up a bit and decided to stitch Thanksgiving. Will it be finished in time for this year? Who knows?!

With the cooler weather that's been here the last couple of days, I'm definitely in the fall mood, it's my favourite season. How about you, what season do you like the best?