Thursday, 30 April 2020

April Shenanigans 🎉

Wow, it's almost May and I still have fun stuff to show from April.

Here's the Gmen on their first birthday, 21 years ago. I think they enjoyed their cake!

And here's their "social distance" birthday celebration on the 7th.

Gman2 requested zucchini bread for his cake, no problem.
He missed getting a haircut before the shutdown, you should see it now!

Gman2 had a tiramisu cake, he celebrated with his gf C and her grandparents.

Then it was time for Cori's birthday, she had to settle for distance hugs and kisses!

She was "loving" the frozen zombie pop I made her!

Social distance birthday wishes were a hit, but I'm looking forward to it coming to an end!

Unfortunately, the PEEP Show Nathan and I normally attend during his spring break was cancelled. BUT, you can still see and vote for the entries HERE! This is one I thought was cute, Forky!

Another cancellation 😢 was for a shore retreat I was going to, so we made "a toast to our continued well being and offer up some prayers for those who are not .. and end with a wish that we will all be together again soon." So here was my beachy contribution, with Ming as my sidekick.

My attempt at face masks, still working on making more.

Can you guess which one I'll be making for myself?!

Distant learning for Nathan also includes band, he'll be playing/zooming for the first time later today.
He's doing okay with his classes, but doesn't really like when I require gym outside when it's nice!

I think that's it for now, I have been stitching, but you'll see that later. I hope your super long April wasn't too bad for you, and let's hope May will be a little less restricting, AND safer and healthier!

Saturday, 25 April 2020

Friday's Stitching Ground 🧜‍♀️

Today was a blah day, cloudy and a bit rainy. So much for pulling weeds, hopefully tomorrow.

Finally, I'm stitching the backside! It shouldn't take too long, then I can attempt to put it together. Any suggestions?

I like the way they turned out and I'm glad I changed their hair colour. I'm not sure if I like the green bubbles by the fish, I stitched the top one but I'm not sure they're staying.

This weekend I should have been stitching at the beach with a great, fun group of ladies, but it was cancelled due to this darn virus. I wonder how long it will take to get things back to normal, or will it ever really be normal again? 
So I had to settle for this, it's as close to the beach as I could get!

Have you had any retreats or stitching gatherings cancelled? I've had three cancelled and am hoping the one in August and the ones in October will still be on!

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Friday's Stitching Ground 🧙‍♂️

Tonight was movie night, can you guess what we were watching?

I decided to start the last mermaid so I can be done with them.
And the kitties decided to keep Nathan company while I was stitching, so I could actually bend my knees!

This week I walked around our neighbour's pond again and this time I had company. I also heard a big splash as I was walking by a clump of trees, they think it's a beaver. I'll have to walk slower next time to see if I can see it.

So back to the movie... are there movies you might be rewatching since you're home? I hadn't see this trilogy in quite a while and Nathan had never seen it, so we started last week. It's the extended version so it's like watching six movies!
I think I see Harry Potter in our future next week.
Do you have any favourites?

Saturday, 11 April 2020

Friday's Stitching Ground 🔥

Since it's back to being on the chilly side, it was the perfect night for a fire. Maximus was sitting by the fireplace but then figured he was missing out!

I've been stitching on other things during the week, but picked up the mermaids again tonight. I just need to finish outlining her and then stitch ONE more. Although I still need to start the backside.

DH had another beer delivery and found me a cranberry beer, delicious! And the best part... he doesn't like it, it's all mine! 😉

So I don't think there's any worry of running out of beer in this house! Oh, and we have plenty of canned beans too.
What's in your house that you won't be running out of any time soon? 

Friday, 10 April 2020

Easter Treasure Hunt Blog Hop 🐇

It looks like I had to create my own little Peeps scene this year, so here it is!
It's also Jo @Serendipitous Stitching's show of the Easter Treasure Hunt Blog Hop.
Please start there if you haven't already to begin collecting letters from the other blogs to figure out the seasonal phrase.

I stitched up this little cutie for this year.

A little closer so you can see it better.

And here's the letter you've been looking for...

Now hop on over to visit the fabulous Jo herself at her blog, Serendipitous Stitching, to collect your next letter. 

Thanks so much Jo, for putting together the hop for this year. I think we all need a little something to look forward to these days, and this sure helps!
Wishing you all a healthy and blessed Easter. 💕 

Saturday, 4 April 2020

Friday's Stitching Ground 🧜‍♀️

This evening I had Ming for company while stitching. I was also sitting with DH and Gman2, we were watching Netflix's Tiger King. OMGoodness, no way could that be real. Talk about drama!

I decided to pick up this little sweetie, it's certainly been neglected. But maybe it's a good thing I took a little break, it does get a little repetitive.

And my drink tonight... DH surprised me with this one from his local brewery delivery yesterday. Yum!

He's doing his part in helping the local businesses, he gave me this one before dinner!

Although I was outside again pulling weeds this afternoon, this is my beauty today. It's been blooming like crazy and as soon as the weather is stable it will be going outside.

So here's Addie and my Mom when I called today. This is what Addie does when she hears/sees me calling. Not the best recording, I was using my iPad to catch it. It's so nice to see them, but not knowing when I'll see them in person really stinks. At least Mom is feeling better, it's now Dad who's exhausted with no energy.

Are you able to video with friends and family? Facetime has been nice, and of course just using the old fashioned phone works too! I hope you are all doing well and staying safe, we can do this!

Thursday, 2 April 2020

Keeping Busy as a 🐝

Another quiet week at home.
Gman2 surprised us over the weekend for a visit, but then had to decide where he wanted to quarantine... but it wasn't with us! That's okay, he's with his girl, C, and her grandparents, helping them and keeping them entertained! 

No walking this week, but I still found beauty in our yard. 

And with the yard, comes yard work with lots of weed pulling!

Not just weeds, but plenty of pachysandra which I have decided to get rid of in this section. It's so invasive and entwined in the daffodils, the roots are a hot mess running everywhere.

It's also on the other side of the driveway and will be left as is.

I've been stitching, although I still can't show anything at this time. I've seen plenty of free patterns in the facebook stitching groups I'm in and you can see them here - bewellandstitch movement. (Hopefully it works!)
So many sweet stitches, I really like this one and just might have to stitch it!

That's it for now, I hope you are all doing well staying at home, hopefully stitching away and maybe even getting some finishing done.
I'm way behind on my blog reading, I'll try and get to it tomorrow in my spare time! 😉