Wednesday, 19 February 2020

What is it? πŸ•Ά

Oh my, what did I create?!
My thought was to add the Invisible Man in the chair, but maybe he's the Purple People Eater instead? πŸ˜† That's what Karen thought at first!
So should he stay, should he be altered, or should he go? I'm not really liking his shirt/jacket, maybe that's most of the problem?

The pattern with the empty chair, maybe the Invisible Man is already sitting there... he's just naked?! πŸ˜‰


Ann C. said...

You could do a combination of both. Just have the invisible man wearing sunglasses (and hat if you want). That way you see more of the chair detail.

Linda said...

I think he looks great as is Astrid.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I agree with Ann, just the sunglasses will give the right idea without making him look like a purple person!
Maybe a pair of underpants if you are concerned about his nakedness LOL

Cathy said...

I think I like the chair by itself, but adding sunglasses might work, too.

Cathy said...

I like it as is. It's like a little mystery!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I'm not going to weigh in on the discussion because I'm not at all familiar with the Invisible Man. Will be interested in seeing what you do next!

diamondc said...

Astrid: I do like just the chair, it looks like you could just grab a book and sit down to read.


Kaisievic said...

Hmm! I think I like it better without the Invisible Man visible - takes away the mystery.

Barb said...

What a cute design. I like the empty chair but it is for you to decide!

Julie said...

I'm sure you have made your choice by now Astrid, i'm behind on blog reading LOL

Katie said...

Hm. I like all the options mentioned haha. That's no help at all. Good luck deciding.

Rachel said...

Oh, now you've mentioned it and shown the two options, that's a difficult one. The empty chair looks a little weird, but I also agree about the Purple People Eater. Trial and error might be the only way until you find the best solution for you. Good luck! :)