Friday, 17 January 2020

Friday's Stitching Ground πŸ•x4

Today's stitching ground had me stitching with Karen, my "could have been sister-in-law, but this is better chosen sister!"
I guess you could say I finished this, if I decide not to add the word HOPE. I thought about adding something else, but I kind of like it as is. 

I think I might get another Koala pattern, I'm just not sure which one.

As we were sitting in the dining room, this was my view into the front room... three pups! Can you see them all?

And this little stinker was behind me. And I do mean stinker, he had some nasty gas that had me leave the room! Oh, Winston.

This is what Karen is working on, she just started it but was missing some threads. So off we went to The Stitching Post to get them, it's nice that's she's so close to it. I looked around while we were there, but didn't see anything screaming at me to stitch. No worries, I have plenty at home!

Are you able to restrain yourself from purchasing patterns knowing you have plenty at home? I tend to at least buy fabric scraps, but didn't see any I liked today. Not that I don't have enough of that either!


Magpie's Mumblings said...

I must admit I don't buy many patterns - other than the odd knitting one. I haven't done cross stitch in a long time and already have plenty small designs I can use with waste canvas on my crazy quilts.

Rachel said...

The koala's a little cutie, as are the pups (I'm sure you forgave Winston!)
I have far too much stash but it doesn't stop me looking, and occasionally purchasing. Sometimes that feeling of owning the chart can be just as satisfying as actually stitching it! :)

Vickie said...

What cute dogs! I was surprised to see them all! The koala is very cute! I am usually able to resist new pattern purchases as I have too many in my stash!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

The koala pattern is very cute. Kaye has been doing a round-up of the charity charts on her Kitten Stitching blog.
Stinky dogs are the worst - give me a cat any day LOL
I'm pretty good at resisting charts. I tend to think "I have something similar already, how rare is this one?"

Cathy said...

Your koala is cute and for a good cause! I know there are other patterns out there, too. While I'm partial to cats, the dogs are cute! I still occasionally buy patterns I really want to stitch, but much less than I used to.

Linda said...

Congrats on the cute finish Astrid. The pups are adorable. I buy charts even though I will never get them all stitched. I'm still obsessed with the stained glass pieces. I hope to do a blog post in the next few days to talk about my new stitching plans. I'm pretty much done with the facebook groups. Trying to keep up with the stitches really stressed me out and so I don't stitch.


Barb said...

Kaye is doing a good job of helping us all to find a piece to help with the fires. I bought the sampler. I think this will be a year of samplers with a few smalls thrown in. Your koala is so cute!

Hazel said...

Really glad to have found your blog. Love your stitching but mostly that you are a sister in Christ. God bless. x

Julie said...

Winston looks so cute doesn't he LOL
A lovely finish

Katie said...

Adorable Koala. I like the Frosted Pumpkin one but just have so many other things I want to be working on. Oh I'm a dog lover so I would have spent time loving on them instead of stitching. LOL about the stinky one haha. Izzy does that all the time. Sometimes I can walk out without anything. Other times I load up haha.

Faith... said...

Are you sure that was Winston that stunk up the room? He is to cute for that! Speaking of cute your Koala is super cute. I like it better without the word.

diamondc said...

Astrid: That Koala is so sweet, I will have to look this up and buy one.
Poor Winston, I bet he did not like the smell either.
I have stitched the Paper Snowflakes it is such a lovely design.


Bethan said...

I think the Koala looks lovely as is. In terms of buying patterns, I'm quite good with cross-stitch ones as my Disney ones will take me sooo long I don't want anything to distract me. Sewing patterns and fabric however...x