Monday, 1 April 2019

Scavenger Photo Hunt, March πŸ“·

I'm joining in on Katie's I live, I love, I craft, I am me ... scavenger photo hunt this month, such fun!

The words for March are...

The zombie apocalypse will do it to you every time!
My chosen sister, Cori, freaks out about loves zombies, so I surprised her a couple years ago at her Halloween party.

The wheels on this wagon delivered many a goodie from the Tooth Fairy - it was my husband's when he was little and all three boys have used it. Here it is delivering money as an origami shirt.

Let's just say this is a holey pot! With Maximus checking out Ming inside.

This is what happens to marshmallow Peeps when melted over the fire and made into a smore... absolutely delicious!

An oldie, but a goodie, my favourite swing with the Gmen in it.
Hard to believe they'll be 21 years old next week!

My own choice
Baseball ready, play ball!


Pudding et Biscotte said...

What a choice of pictures! Your sister is really convincing for a Halloween party! The cats are very funny and curious about the cauldron! I wish you a nice week and a happy birthday to the swinging Gmen!

Vickie said...

What a CRAZY assortment of pictures you shared Astrid!! :)

Katie said...

Great photos! I missed this month since I was attending the retreat. Maybe next time.

Linda said...

That first picture was not a very good one to look out just before I went to bed. lol The picture of the boys is adorable.


kjsutcliffe said...

Brilliant! Love the Gmen in a swing - same age as my eldest son :) However I think the first photo - is amazing!

I have put your link on my blog xx

Tigermouse said...

A great set of pictures, though being a cat lover my favourite just has to be the pot with your two cats. Looking forward to seeing your pictures for next month's topics :)

Threads through my life said...

I agree with Tigermouse, the pot is my favourite as I too have a soft spot for cats. The Gmen in the swing is so sweet; 21 soon, how the time has flown by!

Julie said...

Awww the G Men look so cute.... but that's not the word I would use for your picture!

Fil said...

Your photos are fabulous Astrid - the cats made me laugh :) And your sister! what a brilliant interpretation of ragged - so glad to meet you here:)

Mary said...

Astrid, love how all your photos tell a story!! Your sister certainly was scary!!!

Jak said...

Love all your pictures but especially the cats. The Gmen on the swing is a close second. Bet they both can't fit on to a swing today.

rosey175 said...

Hah Peeps smores! Ugh this time of year is just as dangerous as Christmas. :) Fun assortment of images here; the zombie look is fabulous haha

RJ said...

What a great mix of photos Astrid. I really like the tooth fairy pillow and the adorable little boys. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Love your makeup! I remember that post the first time around! The Gmen are adorable in that swing and the cats are gorgeous too.