Friday, 19 April 2019

Friday's Stitching Ground πŸ›‹

This is not where I was supposed to be today, but here I am sipping my Tippy Cow and working on Gathering Honey. I'm doing some backstiching now so I won't have to do it all at the end like I usually do.

Originally, I was supposed to be celebrating Cori's 50th birthday by taking her away overnight to celebrate her special day. But unfortunately, she got sick and we had to cancel. At least where we were going to stay offered to have us come another night, so now we're trying to plan another weekend and it's not easy!
But I will have all her bday surprises ready for when we do figure out when we're going, I just hope it's soon.

Trying to be positive - at least when we go the next time, we'll have more time to spend there and hopefully the weather will be better!
I've been trying to make the best out of the worst lately - so far, so good.
Any positives going on with you?


Vickie said...

Gathering Honey is looking great Astrid! Positives would be, seeing the whole family this Sunday at my mom's for Easter Sunday! :)

Linda said...

A fun looking stitching spot Astrid. Gathering Honey looks great.


Cathy said...

It looks like Gathering Honey is almost done! I'm glad you're feeling positive instead of negative right now!

Katie said...

Sorry the plans fell through. Gathering Honey is looking great. Don't blame you for doing some backstitching as you go. I learned to do that too.

Barb said...

Gathering Honey is so pretty. I have been hearing a lot about looking for positive things in life each day. You seem to be making lemonade out of lemons! Good for you!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Sorry to hear about your cancelled plans for the weekend but at least you can reschedule.

We've had a lovely positive Easter weekend and still have 2 days to go before I have to go to work!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

ps I may be behind the times here, but where has the cute picture of little dragon Nathan gone?

Sandy In Montana said...

It looks beautiful Astrid, I have had that one on my to stitch list since I first saw it, but I know I will never get around to stitching it. Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day and taking a peek at the smalls I stitched for our 5th wheel. You can find the chart for "Always Kiss me Goodnight" here:

Hugs, Sandy

Mary said...

Gathering Honey is nearly there and looking lovely. Too bad your weekend was cancelled and hopefully you can reschedule soon. I've been complaining about our lousy weather, gloomy and depressing but I should look at the bright side and enjoy that it's cool and I can work outside without melting!!

RJ said...

Gathering HOney is such a beautiful stitch and you are doing such a great job on it too. Sorry about your weekend being canceled but so happy to hear you will have another. Terrible storm power from Good Friday to Easter. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

Julie said...

What a shame your friend got sick, i hope its not too long before you can spend her birthday celebration together and have fun.
Its been a lovely Easter with my family here, warm weather, good food and good company.