Friday, 20 April 2018

Peep Show time! 🐀

Ready for the PEEP SHOW?!

Nathan was so happy to have his picture taken.

Some critters, I love The Very Hungry Caterpillar!

Something to snack on, deviled chicks!

Floral displays


Some quilt pieces and paintings too.

More characters


The wonderful thing about Tiggers!

Who knew, a PEEP manger!

Go O's!

Our treats, what fun!

My not quite finished attempt at Peeps, the purple one must be on a diet!


Vickie said...

:D I shared this post with Madeleine who loves Peeps. Thanks!

Julie said...

What a great selection, love the baseball game.

Kaisievic said...

Wow! They look so fun and colourful.

deb said...

Peeeeeps!! Oooh, that reminds me, I could go have a Peep. They ought to be stale enough now.

What great fun - absolutely love the Tigger! (peeps come in orange??)

Barb said...

What a fun post!! I loved it. The teacher I used to help did a peeps project every year with her students. I enjoyed helping with that.

Linda said...

What a fun post Astrid.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

"Mo-ther, if anyone from school sees me here..."

He's a good lad to take his Mum out for the day! Those "peepworks" are incredible.

beadgirl said...

Love it! My favorite is the baseball game. I once bought a charm bracelet with peeps on it; I should go find it and wear it before the Easter season ends.

Maggee said...

Wow! That is something we've never seen! It would have been a fun outing!! Glad you and Nathan got the time to enjoy it together! Hugs!

OhSewCrafty said...

That peep show is so cool, thanks for sharing! Love the rainbow pony one. Hope you had a happy Easter.

Faith... said...

WOW, people are very creative with those peeps! Love seeing them!!

Katie said...

Jeremiah and I enjoyed looking at these. Wow that's a talent I don't have. Designing with peeps. Too cool. Thanks for sharing.

Brigitte said...

I don't know Peeps. But the show is very cool.