Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Question time ❓❓

After way too long, I finally finished them!

But I made a mistake on the right and added an outline on the tale/back when it wasn't supposed to be there.
The one on the left shows what it looks like without it.
Does is really matter? Although the one on the right kind of looks like I've outlined boobs! πŸ˜†

Thoughts? Take it out or add to the other one?


deb said...

Most everything else is outlined so why not add to the left side mermaid? (and I wouldn't have thought "boobs" if you hadn't said it!)

Linda said...

I ditto deb's comment.


Vickie said...

hmm. I'm sorry Astrid. I see boobs. Cannot unsee them. If it were mine I would unstitch that part.

Parsley said...

Uhhh...well now that you mention it, I see it too.

Joysze said...

Hmm... I don't see boobs... LOL! But I definitely like the outlined one better.

Quilting Tangent said...

Add the outline to the other one.

Tiffstitch said...

The outline looks good, not like boobs, just like a back and a tail, and it does seem to finish it off nicely. It's definitely easier to add it than try and take it out. :)

Katie said...

I don't see the boobs LOL since they don't their faces showing. I personally would just add the back stitch to the other side. Love this one by the way!

Faith... said...

Personally I would add the backstitch! Since it is the back of the mermaid I think the "boobs" are a non-factor.

Julie said...

I prefer it with the backstitch. It's lovely.

Joysze said...

I like it with the backstitch. The left one looks unfinished without it.

Sheryl said...

Pretty design, I would add the backstitch to the left one.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I can't not see the boobs now you mention it!

Bethan said...

I would add the outline - I don't see the boobs! x

RJ said...

I agree about backstitching. Great stitching Astrid. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever