Tuesday, 31 October 2017

🕸 Trick or Treat Blog Hop 🦇 Halloween 2017

It's my favourite time of year and that also means it's time for Jo's Hallowe'en Trick or Treat Blog Hop! If you haven't already, go there now to know where to start collecting letters for the Halloween phrase.

I just finished this skull for Gman1.

This Mill Hill is supposed to say ...*BE*SCARY, but because it reminded me of the skull and crossbones on his fraternity's badge and coat of arms, I changed it to his fraternity and added my makeshift skull and crossbones. Not the best, but it worked.

I know this is from last year, but I had to show her again!

This year's Halloween lights.

And what you've been waiting for, your letter...

Please head on over to Rosey @ Ishkabibble's blog to see what treats she's got for you.

Fun pic - I finally got a pair of Halloween pants. They're so soft and comfortable, I love them! They also made me think of stitching, even better.

Monday, 30 October 2017

Halloween Shenanigans! 👻

A couple weekends ago, Karen, P, and I headed to the Dulles Expo Center for the Craftsmen's Classic Art and Craft Festival.
Why do I go? To see Randal Spangler of course!

I brought the piece I'm working on, I just wish I was further along!

And what should I see, but an amazing dragon shelf! There was a cat and dog one too, but I love the dragons.
Since this one was sold, I ordered one for my Christmas present and I can't wait!

This was taken a few years ago when I purchased a print or two. Randal is great and I hope to see him again next year with my finished piece!

Time to move on and we all got fun Halloween "tattoos". This is finally starting to come off my arm, it lasted over a week.

I had to buy a couple!

I found another Christmas pressie, a necklace! 🎃

This booth had icicle names, but I didn't see mine. I've only ever seen it in Germany. I asked him and he actually had it behind his "counter"! Of course I had to buy it and one for each of the guys to put on the tree this year.

I'm going to frame these cards together for all the seasons, and also bought Nathan and I bookmarks.

And my last treasure was this trio, my loves! 💖

From there, Karen and I headed to Walmart to purchase a few items to make me look pretty for Cori's Halloween party.

Cori doesn't like is scared of zombies ðŸ˜±, so I just had to do it. 

Lovely bones tattoo.

My model foot.

And I got her, I know she really loved it!

See? She loves me.

I think she liked the old hag better.

Makeup by Karen, I couldn't have done it without her! Not only did she do my makeup and helped with my hair, but she cut up my Walmart shirt on the way back from the craft show.
I couldn't have done it without her!

I went into the beer store on the way and scared the clerk who thought there might be more coming in!

Thursday, 26 October 2017

TH Thursday

THinking, THinking, THinking...

THinking THoughts, and being THankful on THursdays.

Today I am thankful for late blooms in October!

Thursday, 19 October 2017

TH THursday

THinking, THinking, THinking...

THinking THoughts, and being THankful on THursdays.

Today I am thankful for memories of my younger years.

Memories of Ducksberry in Devon.

Memories of my older brother leaving for Boarding School.

 Memories of Clovelly, also in Devon.

Memories of graduation and my first car.

Memories of my Mom making this clock that I got to help with.

Memories of our dog, Hannibal, a big slobbering softie!

So many memories, always making more because tomorrow is never promised.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Baby reveal and a find

New kind of baby reveal - to me at least!
My friend since jr high, Nina, is going to be a grandmother again, this time to twins. Her daughter and son-in-law are expecting them in March, so probably in February!



 *After* 2 girls!!!

So much for the Gmen helping out for boys! 😉

And poor little R, he wasn't happy at all that he was getting two girl cousins, he wanted boys too!

As goofy as this shirt is, I must have saved it to pass on to Beth!

And in stitchy news...
Hey Jo, look what I found!
This past weekend, Nathan and I went to visit my parents and stopped by the antique mall on the way there. I had this magazine years ago and gave it away because there wasn't anything I wanted to stitch in it - or so I thought. Although I'm not ready to start this yet, I'm hoping for early next year.

And these were only 25 cents each, I couldn't resist.

Some scenes on our way home that evening.

I pulled over to take these, perfect timing for the sunset. 

Once again, I'm behind on replying to blog comments and reading blogs. I'll see what I can do about that tomorrow.