Monday, 27 January 2025

What to add? πŸ§™

The last time I worked on this was at the Grace Notes Retreat... in August 2023!
I added the witch and that was it. Just recently, I added the bottom part. I'm not sure what I was going for, kind of a mess of fall leaves? I also gave her a sparkly wand.
But, now what?! I'm trying to keep it all Maja's designs from The Snowflower Diaries, but can think of what to put above the ground and/or to the right.
Any suggestions?

This is what October looks like, but I wanted a more Halloween feel.

These are the previous months.


dianne said...

bats ... this is needing some bats ... and maybe a kitty

Ruth said...

Perhaps a black cat on the ground. Bats are always a good idea, or an owl. Or a ghost?

Stasi said...

Bats are a good idea in the sky. How about a large jack-o-lantern on the ground?

Katie said...

Maybe some pumpkins?

Shelly said...

How about a big moon in the upper left corner? Pumpkins would be a nice touchπŸ‘πŸΌ

Magpie's Mumblings said...

First thing that came to mind was a black cat and some bats.

diamondc said...

Nice progress Astrid: This is so cute. How about a black cat and an owl.


Erica said...

I was thinking of a black cat looking up at the sky.

Crystal Digitizing said...

such a nice work embroidery digitizing usa amazing desigsn *^'

Faith... said...

What about headstone in the background? You could put some pumpkins around it. Or a black cat, a harvest moon, maybe even a trick or treater? Goodluck on whatever you decide and don't forget to share your decision with us.