Friday, 19 April 2024

Fully Finished Gallery - April 2024 🖼

Hmm, this is like a repeat of last month!
I only finished this sweet snowman from Mill Hill.
I didn't add a hanger since I thought I'd just use the handle, but I might add one later.

This has been busy month, health issues with my Dad, Prom, a May wedding, and life in general!
MAYbe next month will be better?

Be sure to check out what the others have been able to finish!

Thursday, 4 April 2024

Another PEEP Show! 🐤

I wonder if this is what people think of when I tell them I'm going to the PEEP Show?!

I LOVE the dragon!

Showing the Maryland Peeps, specifically Baltimore!

And plenty more sweet pieces...

So many creative ones, can you pick a favourite?

Even Mia and Maverick turned into PEEPS!

This year Nathan brought a friend, so he was happy to go!

Sadly, the old banner has been retired.

Here's the new one. Meh, I like the old one!

I think I might get at least one more year out of him, maybe with more of his peeps?!