Sunday, 16 July 2023

May Literally Flew By! ✈

 A very delayed posting for May!
DH and I took an evening flight to New Orleans to celebrate our 28th wedding anniversary in May. We decided to visit my brother and sister-in-love since we don't get to spend much time with them.

We stayed the night in NOLA until my brother came to pick us up the following day and take us back to their house in Baton Rouge.
Some lovely Black Eyed Susans (Maryland's state flower) in New Orleans.

I got my Beignets, yum! Although not in the French Market location.

We had fun walking around and visiting all the lovely shops...

And bars! I had a frozen drink that I had to drink very slowly and have a sit down, it was powerful!

Mermen made nice window displays in this shop, oh my!

There is a stitching shop there, The Quarter Stitch, but mainly needlepoint and knitting. So many beautiful pieces and the angels were gorgeous.

They did have a small area of cross stitch, and I bought this one to stitch.

Before my brother came to pick us up later that afternoon, we had lunch at Butcher. Delicious and fun!

This is their backyard, complete with pups, Dixie, Rose and Loki. Isn't it beautiful? And that dragon, love it! 

Rose and Loki keeping me company while stitching.

The next day, we went to Houmas House Gardens to wander around, it was so lovely.

The next day was our anniversary and we headed back to New Orleans for the day.
Sights in the French Quarter.

We went to The Spotted Cat for drinks and to listen to the music.

This is one of the songs they were playing... 
🎜"We are, 🎢so happily married..."🎝
The perfect song for our anniversary that day!
I wish I could tell you who the band was, but I can't remember and couldn't find them anywhere.

My lovely SIL bought me this fun shirt and I brought the cups home for the cats water.

Then we headed to Deutsches Haus, as we have heard so much about it from them we just had to go. Their girls had a brick made in honour of our Momma, it was so nice to see it.

More sweet gifts from my SIL, gnomes and a Nuremberg Bridal Cup.

The day we left, we went to LSU for brunch and to see Mike the Tiger. But all we could see was his paws since he was sleeping in a corner.

We had a wonderful time together and already look forward to our next time, just don't know when yet.

I was able to stitch on the plane, before dozing off!

Almost home, flying past the Chesapeake Bay Bridge.


Stasi said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful trip!

Shelly said...

I got confused there for a minute...May literally flew by! Wait what?! Haha. You're so lucky. Belated Happy Anniversary to you and the groom! I love NOLA and can't wait to go back. It's a place where there's something for everyone.

Vickie said...

What a wonderful trip. Good to keep in touch with your family. :)

Katie said...

How fun. Definitely a place I would love to visit sometime. Thanks for sharing. Happy Anniversary!

Pamela said...

What a great trip! I've never been to New Orleans, so I really enjoyed seeing your photos.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Sounds like a perfect trip! I loved seeing the dragons. New Orleans has been on my bucket list but I know I'll never see it in person.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

A very belated anniversary to you both! Looks like a fabulous trip, so much to see. Even their garden is gorgeous!
Most of what I know about New Orleans is thanks to Anne Rice but I hope you didn’t encounter any vampires or witches…