Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Secret Stitching Sweetheart Blog Hop❣

It's that time of year to share the love with Jo @Serendipitous Stitching and her annual Valentine Hop.
To see all the Secret Sweetheart Stitching, start at Jo's blog, follow the hop, then try to figure out who sent what stitched piece and leave a little love note. πŸ’•

How precious is this, a Valentine Stocking! I wonder if it gets filled with sweet treats?!
I have no idea who stitched this, are you my Secret Sweetheart Stitcher?

And now it's time for kids' thoughts on love.

Love is a cookie ~ Tuana, age 3

Love is being nice even when you don't feel like it ~ Jack, age 4

Love is...ummmmm...pink ~ Ella, age 3
(although it really could be Vickie who says that?!)❤

Love is a heart. Love is a puppy dog and love is a cat. Love is a hug and love is a kiss. And love is a great big goodnight hug and hiss. That is all ~ Isabella, age 4


Clare-Aimetu said...

A super stocking but it isn't mine. Happy Valentine's Day πŸ’•

jocondine said...

Such an interesting shape! Not so common, full of sweets will be great! Not mine. Joyeuse Saint Valentin ! xxx

Gwen said...

I love that Stocking. Not mine though.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

awww - I love those cute sayings from the littles. They have such a great view of life don't they.
Sweet stocking!

Claudette497 said...

That's genius - Valentine's Day is when you really need a stocking for candy!

A Patchwork of Crafts said...

Love a finish that = getting a gift, brilliant idea abut alas not mine.

gracie said...

Such a nice Valentine. Happy Valentine's day

Beth in IL said...

Cute, cute piece. Just love it. But not mine.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Thanks for taking part in the Secret Stitching Sweetheart Blog Hop this year.
That stocking is so sweet, sorry you had to provide your own sweeties!
Love the children's ideas of love too.

Roni said...

Love the stocking, not me either x

Bridgette said...

Happy Valentines Day!! Not my stitching, but I love the vine of hearts. I must say I am with Jack on what love is!! At least most days, LOL!

Leonore Winterer said...

Lovely stocking! Not mine though. Happy Valentines!

Tiffstitch said...

Great stocking! Such a fun idea and could fill with dried flowers, etc. Happy Valentine's Day!

DJ said...

Sweet stocking! Kids say the darnedest things don't they? Sadly it isn't mine...Happy Valentine's Day!

Beth in IL said...

Thanks for the Valentine! My dad was a rocket scientist too. Have a great day.

Shelly said...

I'm your Secret Sweetheart, Astrid!! The stocking gets filled with a roses when my rose bush blooms which this year might be in May. Happy Valentine's Day!

Sheryl said...

Pretty Valentine stocking, good idea for candy or a hidden gift.

Katie said...

Beautiful stocking.

Love your Love's from kids. Adorable.