Saturday, 18 February 2023

Fully Finished Gallery ~ February 2023 🖼

Not as productive as last month, but I have joined Rachel and her Fully Finished Gallery SAL for February. 

I know I've shown this already, but this is all I've got this time.

The mermaids had been stitched and waiting to be finished for about two years, oops. This was my first biscornu finish and won't be my last.
At least I framed the Moon straight away.

 I have plenty ready to be fully finished, I really need to set a date every month for finishing.

Thursday, 16 February 2023

Happy Heart Day 🥰

Did you get to see all the love yesterday at Jo's Secret Stitching Sweetheart blog hop?! So many lovely pieces to see.
This is the stitching I shared. I made this for my DH, the "rocket scientist" for Valentine's Day. Very appropriate for him!

My Valentine display this year.

Roses, baked goods, and stitching, you can't go wrong.

I picked up this Bee my Valentine Box from Kupcakes & Co. They always make wonderful desserts and what we've had so far has been delicious.

That evening, we went to Father Leo's Valentine Dinner. This time it was at our church, which was much closer than last year's.

It was a lovely evening, we had friends join us this year so that was nice. I especially like the couples blessing, a mini vow renewal.

This time we were able to get the book we wanted before they sold out. Dining with the Saints is a brand new one, we got it as an early release. I got that one for Gman2, I thought he would appreciate it being in youth ministry. Hopefully he'll make us something... soon! 

On Wednesday, it was a lovely 66° so I sat outside with company.

And had a February finish, in February, amazing!

Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Secret Stitching Sweetheart Blog Hop❣

It's that time of year to share the love with Jo @Serendipitous Stitching and her annual Valentine Hop.
To see all the Secret Sweetheart Stitching, start at Jo's blog, follow the hop, then try to figure out who sent what stitched piece and leave a little love note. 💕

How precious is this, a Valentine Stocking! I wonder if it gets filled with sweet treats?!
I have no idea who stitched this, are you my Secret Sweetheart Stitcher?

And now it's time for kids' thoughts on love.

Love is a cookie ~ Tuana, age 3

Love is being nice even when you don't feel like it ~ Jack, age 4

Love ~ Ella, age 3
(although it really could be Vickie who says that?!)❤

Love is a heart. Love is a puppy dog and love is a cat. Love is a hug and love is a kiss. And love is a great big goodnight hug and hiss. That is all ~ Isabella, age 4

Thursday, 2 February 2023

Goodies and fun with family 🧁

I went to a thrift shop today and these were my finds, all for a nice price of $12.25. I bought one frame for $1.25 and the rest were free, cool beans! And they're in good shape too.
The linen is my favourite count, 32 on antique white and white. I'll probably tie dye the white one later.

This past weekend we were in Canton visiting Gman1 & C at their new place. It's within walking distance of so many things, although we had to drive for lunch at Chaps Pit Beef. It did not disappoint, everything was good. DH drove past the first entrance since it's right next to a "Gentleman's" Club and he didn't think he should be turning into that!

Later that afternoon, we went walking around Canton and Fells Point and I found a mermaid with very shiny "shells" 👀! 

We got thirsty and just had to stop in one of the local bars for a drink. C and I tried this one - Lemon coconut raspberry white chocolate cake batter - surprisingly delicious and not too tart.

Finn checking out mini Finn that I made for C.

Just a block and a half away from their place, is Cup Love, and we had to check it out before it shut that evening. Nathan got cookie dough, C got frozen yogurt, and I got Elvis AND Barry White because I wanted to try them both... Elvis for the win!!!

Sunday morning Finn was being teased entertained by a birds on youtube.

That afternoon we went to a wedding venue in Havre de Grace with C's family to check it out.
What a beautiful place and it's a go!

We went down to the water where they'll have pictures taken for the wedding, it was just a bit chilly this time of year!

C's Dad photobombing us! I'm so glad we all get along so well together! 😆
The cool thing about Havre de Grace? Its twin city is Mumbles, Wales, where my cousin lives.

We finally got some snow yesterday, although it didn't last very long. This has been another crappy year for snow so far, maybe this month will surprise us?

Back to stitching, this is my 5th Santa for the year, it's nice to have something easy to work on.