Monday, 30 January 2023

The Prairie Schooler Santa Scene 🎅

I've had these Prairie Schooler Santas for a while and I finally decided to start them.
I'm stitching them on 28 count over one, that's what fits best in the little houses. I know I don't have them all yet, but these will keep me busy for a while.

Surprise, I have my "support" system helping me!

This is the first finished one from 1984.
I saw this finish before, I think it might have been on Pinterest? I found these little houses and ordered them because I really liked how they looked. I added the border inside, I know I'll need more of that.

My helpers, Ming and Maximus.

2nd finished, 1985.

Sitting next to me, so much easier.

3rd finish, 1986.

They stole my spot this time!

4th finish, 1987.

And now to work on my 5th one from 1988.
After that I might take a break and stitch something else, but I'm on a roll!

Wednesday, 18 January 2023

Fully Finished Gallery ~ January 2023 🖼

I'm a little late in posting, but thought I would try and participate this year with Rachel and her Fully Finished Gallery SAL.
Since I'm going to be stitching The Prairie Schooler Santas, it's the perfect time to join in!

This is my first one, from 1984, stitched on 28 over one. I normally like to stitch 32 over one, but because I plan on using these houses as frames, the 28 looks better.

Toy Shop Globe by Mill Hill. 
A gift for C's parents.

Cat in the Box by Mill Hill. 
It's Gman1 & C's kitty, Finn.

Elven Mug by Kate Stitcher.
It's a mini for Karen.

I hope next month is as productive!