Friday, 21 January 2022

One More Belated Christmas Post 🎁

I'm just a little behind on Christmas posting, last one though!
We had four cute elves decorating sugar cookies for us this past Christmas.

Our tree, early Christmas morning.

The Misfit Toys make their annual appearance. 

The village, I really need another shelf so I can add more!

Christmas afternoon with the family. We had C join us this year since she was unable to be at home with her family. Darn that covid!
But it was lovely having her join us.

A little gingerbread/gnome village going on. Not a great photo, I'll try and do better next year.

Chewie was not very thrilled with his hat.

And look what was in my stocking this year, stitching goodies! Having a wish list certainly helps.
The necklace is a mermaid's tail from Gman1, very pretty and delicate.

Dinner this year was a bit different, with just the four of us since Gman1 and C went to have dinner with her grandparents.

It was a Happy Christmas, although I hope next year is healthier for us all!

We were supposed to spend Boxing Day with my parents this year, but then thought we should play it safe and not risk the chance of giving them something besides presents! Smaller groups seems to be working so far.


Barb said...

It looks like you had a great Christmas! We all hope for a covid free time next Christmas. Nathan is really growing!

Carol said...

I am so behind with blogging too Astrid … I still have an early December holiday and new Year break to blog about … oooh … and a November birthday trip to the seaside. Hopefully I will catch up before we go away again in March. Glad you had a nice Christmas. πŸ˜ƒ

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Looks like a wonderful Christmas with the past part being family time. I loved seeing your gifts (lots of fun stitcheries there) but it was the necklace that caught my eye. I got mermaid tails too - earrings from our #2 son and daughter-in-love.

diamondc said...

Astrid: What a sweet post, so much love here.
Nice stash from your stocking.
Lovely photos of your family.


Cathy said...

Great Christmas photos1 Lovely new stash! I didn't realize that Nathan was as tall as the GMen1

Vickie said...

Thank you for sharing your Christmas celebration with us. It was lovely. How long have your son and C been dating now?

Faith... said...

It looks as though you had a wonderful day. I love the Misfit Toys! Sorry you couldn't spend the day with your parents but hopefully Covid will be gone soon and holidays can go back to "normal" again! Looks like your stocking hit the jackpot!

Katie said...

Beautiful Christmas photos. Thanks for sharing. I think we all want Covid to end!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Lovely Christmas photos, isn't Nathan tall now? It's almost like you have three G Men!

Sheryl said...

I enjoyed seeing how you celebrated Christmas and your lovely decorations. Such a pretty tree and fun Misfit toys. Lots of stitching goodies too.