Sunday, 26 December 2021

Scavenger Photo Hunt - Stocking 📷 🧦

Welcome to the fourth word of the Scavenger Photo Hunt for December. As always, anyone can join in with whatever inspires you and I can always add it after the sign up is closed, although this week it's open a bit longer.

Imagine, another oldie from my Dad! 
Growing up, we always had real stockings, filled with small presents, nuts, chocolates, and fruit. Because it was so stretchy, there was plenty in there! It took a while to open them, but it was always fun to see what was inside.

Even as an adult, my parents were still giving me one.

The Gmen didn't mind having a smaller stocking.

I think this was the last year I received one, it just got to be too much!

These were our stockings this year.

Gman1's girlfriend, C, joined us this year since covid hit her house. It was so lovely to have her and I had this stocking that I had made years ago for her to use. It was hanging with Gman1's stocking, but was a little heavy to put back up when filled and Santa was afraid they both might fall.

I made this little stocking ornament for my brother one year. Geaux Saints! 🏈⚜

I saw this on Instagram and thought it was appropriate!

See you next week with our last word for the year, Celebrate!
Are there any words you'd like to see for next year, or other suggestions for the scavenger photo hunt?


Threads through my life said...

I knew you'd have a good selection of stockings. Love the real ones filled with goodies and what a lot they hold. The blue boot one is so cute.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

We used to do stockings here but once the boys moved out they fell by the wayside. Now the kids fill them for their kids.

Vickie said...

I love your face in the stocking pictures Astrid! Ha! It is a lovely tradition though, isn't it? I still give my kids stockings. Not those kind. Needlepoint and velvet. ;)

Jak said...

What a lovely assortment of stockings. I love the picture of them all hanging up by the fireplace and that sexy boot is fantastic.!! Happy New Year to you all. 😃🌲🎅

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I love the photo of the row of stockings on the fireplace. Your stretchy ones are so funny but I think they are tights not stockings! That's OK, two legs are better than one when it comes to presents.
My family have always had stockings but hubby's have Santa Sacks so three of us have stockings and him and MIL have sacks. Santa always leaves MIL's sack here for her to open with us.

Faith... said...

Love the stockings from your parents! The boys were all so cute when they were little.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, your family and your parents!!