Monday, 22 November 2021

Scavenger Photo Hunt - Something You See Every Day πŸ“·πŸ‘“

Welcome to the third word of the Scavenger Photo Hunt for November. As always, anyone can join in with whatever inspires you and I can always add it after the sign up is closed.

Something You See Every Day
This is my view in our great room, looking to my right, where I sit at some point every day to stitch, or chill. I've enjoyed seeing the leaves change colour and fall down, and I'm really looking forward to seeing it snow.

This is my view on my left. Good thing DH uses the other sofa to sit on! There is always stitching to been seen since I stitch every day.
And hey, the laundry basket, something else I see almost every day.

Mr Chewie is normally in his bed, although he also likes to sit by my feet sometimes.
Tomorrow, I'll be happy to see my village behind him.

There's always some reason to walk in my craft room daily. That darn cleaning fairy still hasn't shown up.

Lucky me, I get to see this trio daily. Sometimes Gman1 is with C, so maybe I'm not seeing him every day.
We did tell the Gmen to stay here as long as they can so they can save money to hopefully buy something down the road. I'll take it as long as I can get it!

Ah, these two, Maximus and Ming. Even though Max still hides away from Chewie, I have my nightly snuggles to look forward to.

I can't forget this guy, my DH! ❤
I guess looking at myself in the mirror every day counts too?!

My daily stitching lately has been this sweet little angel that I'm making for my Momma.

Can you believe next month is December?!
Are there any words you can think of that you'd like to see? I can think of wintery/holiday ones, but maybe there's others you can think of? Let me know!


diamondc said...

Astrid: Thank-you for sharing a bit of your home and stitching, its so much fun seeing what everyone is working on.
Your view out side is lovely.
Krissy our big dogs sends kiss's to Chewie.
I am looking forward to seeing the village you set up.
I think your work room is just fine, creativity comes from many mess's I have a big one in my creative room.
Nice photo of the guys.
Beautiful fur babies and positively beautiful photo of you and your husband.
I like the new stitch design.
November melted away so fast.
December brings snow lots and lots of snow.
Happy Thanksgiving


Vickie said...

Our two youngest children stay living with us to save money also. We enjoy having them live with us too. :)

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Great photos of your home and family. Are the G-Men both working now, I assume they finished college?

Susan Smith said...

Well done on this one, which I sort of struggled with, but I sort of didn't think of everyday mundane bits I see or do. Oh, tradition, is going to be hard & I'm still pondering on it. Words for next month, other than festive could be tricky as we are hot for Christmas, but maybe I'll think of something & pop you an email. Thanks for sharing & hope to see that angel finished. Take care & hugs.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

It was fun to see the things you see every day....this was a great prompt.

Katie said...

Beautiful pictures. How is your mom doing?