Monday, 31 May 2021

Scavenger Photo Hunt - May πŸ“· 🎼

 Welcome to the fourth word of the Scavenger Photo Hunt for May. Don't forget, anyone can join in! If you have a late entry and it's closed for posting, just send me the link and I can add it.
This week's word is -

We had our own personal Christmas concert from Nathan during the holiday season since they weren't able to have one in person. Even Chewie was able to enjoy it!

When he started band in 4th grade, he was playing the Alto Sax that Gman2 used to play. Through donated instruments at school, he then played a Tenor Sax and then ultimately the Baritone Sax - BIG difference!

Here's a way back photo from when the Gmen played for my parents one summer.

Cori and I went to an "Elvis" concert and he did a great job, I got the first scarf and a kiss on the cheek. Cori was able to snap this photo of proof!
Fun story - My Mom met Elvis in Germany while he was stationed there, they were at the same party. Too bad she didn't get a photo with him!
Oh my, that young Elvis! ❤

Chewie tries, but he really can't carry a tune.

Now this unfinished piece is for the band teacher all the boys had at St. Louis. All I need to add are the music charms. I thought I would also include all the concerts they had, I just haven't figured out how I want to place them... surrounding the box, or listing them? Not sure yet. Nathan will be taking summer band so I have until July to figure it out.

Ready for June's words?
June 4th Glass
June 11th Berry
June 18th Flag
June 25th Summer


Jak said...

What lovely family musical pictures going back to the 'Elvis' one. Fancy meeting him. Lucky Mother.

I think surrounding the Music picture with the concert titles would be most effective - sort of framing it. I love all your embroidery pictures. The work is so neat. Gorgeous. xx

Vickie said...

What fun pictures! Your Mom is very lucky to have been at the SAME PARTY AS ELVIS!! And the YOUNG, GOOD LOOKING ELVIS! :) Does Chewie howl?

Susan Smith said...

I enjoyed reading of your family's musical adventures & your cross stitch is so neat. Thanks for next month's words too. Take care & stay safe.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Great choices for Music. I hope you have a sound proof room for practising all the brass!
I remember when Elvis died, they showed all his films on TV in the summer holiday. Some of the older girls took the week off to watch them as they carried on into the first week of term! This was before video recorders so the only way you could watch a film was on one of the three TV channels we had back then.
If there are a lot of concerts I vote for a list underneath.

Threads through my life said...

I admire your musical family; my family is not at all musical! I can't even sign.... I agree with Jak's idea as to how to finish your Music cross stitch.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Fun to see the musical photos - but I love Chewie the best! What fun to listen to him singing I'll bet.

Linda said...

Such talented boys Astrid.


Cathy said...

I didn't realize your family was so musical. We had an "Elvis" at my parents 40th anniversary party. Janice was about seven and was sure she would be bored, but she got a scarf and a kiss and a picture and had a great time.