Monday, 31 May 2021

Scavenger Photo Hunt - May ๐Ÿ“ท ๐ŸŽผ

 Welcome to the fourth word of the Scavenger Photo Hunt for May. Don't forget, anyone can join in! If you have a late entry and it's closed for posting, just send me the link and I can add it.
This week's word is -

We had our own personal Christmas concert from Nathan during the holiday season since they weren't able to have one in person. Even Chewie was able to enjoy it!

When he started band in 4th grade, he was playing the Alto Sax that Gman2 used to play. Through donated instruments at school, he then played a Tenor Sax and then ultimately the Baritone Sax - BIG difference!

Here's a way back photo from when the Gmen played for my parents one summer.

Cori and I went to an "Elvis" concert and he did a great job, I got the first scarf and a kiss on the cheek. Cori was able to snap this photo of proof!
Fun story - My Mom met Elvis in Germany while he was stationed there, they were at the same party. Too bad she didn't get a photo with him!
Oh my, that young Elvis! โค

Chewie tries, but he really can't carry a tune.

Now this unfinished piece is for the band teacher all the boys had at St. Louis. All I need to add are the music charms. I thought I would also include all the concerts they had, I just haven't figured out how I want to place them... surrounding the box, or listing them? Not sure yet. Nathan will be taking summer band so I have until July to figure it out.

Ready for June's words?
June 4th Glass
June 11th Berry
June 18th Flag
June 25th Summer

Thursday, 27 May 2021

๐Ÿ“ท Scavenger Photo Hunt Link-Up Party ~ Music

May "Flowers" ๐Ÿงต

Way back in March last year, just before the pandemic craziness, Lynn B @Happiness is Cross Stitching sent me a pattern to stitch this for her. I sent a photo of it to her unfinished since I couldn't go shopping for a frame at that time.

I finally finished it, but added some grass to bring it all together. It now hangs in my craft room and I see it every time I'm in there.

Thanks so much, Lynn, I enjoyed stitching it.
Please be sure to see what else Lynn has to stitch, 
Lynn B @Happiness is Cross Stitching, she's got lots of adorable cats!

Sunday, 23 May 2021

Scavenger Photo Hunt - May ๐Ÿ“ท ๐ŸŒง

  Welcome to the third word of the Scavenger Photo Hunt for May. Don't forget, anyone can join in! This week's word is -

Right about now, we need some rain! It's been beautiful and warm/hot here. The humidity hasn't been bad so even when it's hot, it's not super hot.
My cousin in Wales has been telling about the awful rainy/windy weather they've been having, yuck.

This was from a rainy day while on a stitching retreat.

These lovely friends got married during a storm, but still had a great time!

Summer storm at Topsail Beach in North Carolina.

Same beach, rain in the distance.

A little rainy weather while on a float plane excursion to see the glaciers and head to a fantastic lodge in Alaska.

It's raining Peeps! Now that would be fun to see.

We had to put in a rain garden when we had our house built, very appropriate for this storm last year.

I'm pretty sure this is the only rain I have related to stitching.

Good news for us tomorrow, we're supposed to get some rain!

Monday, 17 May 2021

Scavenger Photo Hunt - May ๐Ÿ“ท๐Ÿ”

 Welcome to the second word of the Scavenger Photo Hunt for May. Another late entry! This week's word is -

Last week had DH and I in Florida while dating, this was taken there too, but at Disney.

Not a true mirror, but to our identical Gmen when they were little, it could be!

A couple week ago, DH, our friend and I went for a walk in Ellicott City and then had lunch. The next room had mirrors along the wall and we saw our doubles.

While waiting for pick up at school, the perfect picture of the American flag and the Maryland state flag.

There's a mirror in there, but you won't see a reflection!

See you Friday for some rain photos, although it's supposed to get up to the upper 80's here (26โ„ƒ), with no rain in sight! But the weather has been known to change by the hour, so we'll see.

Friday, 14 May 2021

Friday's Stitching Ground ๐ŸŽ…

 I know it's been a long while posting for Friday's Stitching Ground, but this one's for you, Linda @Stitchin with my Furbabies!

 Today was a beautiful day to sit outside in the enclosed porch to stitch, with company of course! Chewie tried to tell Santa that he's been a good boy... um, okay.

My stitching view. DH joined me after he mowed the lawn.

 I'm almost finished with him, just some more beads and then backstitching. This was great for car stitching while waiting to pick up Nathan from school, but then I wanted to stitch him at home too.

This is what I was drinking this evening, nice, light, and refreshing.

So have you found anything new to drink? Not necessarily alcoholic, I also like trying new flavoured seltzers.

Monday, 10 May 2021

Scavenger Photo Hunt - May ๐Ÿ“ท๐ŸŒŒ

Welcome to the first word of the Scavenger Photo Hunt for May, although a little late posting. This week's word is -

I had every intention of actually posting on Friday, but I must have just spaced out!

Looking through my photos from the early '90's, this is when DH and I were dating and went to Florida to Disney and the Kennedy Space Center.

And very appropriate since DH is an aerospace engineer, aka, rocket scientist!

After the Gmen were born, DH worked on the mission that John Glenn flew on and was able to have him sign their baby books prior to launch.

The mission.
Somewhere in a box are some items that have flown in space and came back - glow in the dark stars that we put our names on, and I can't remember what else. I'll find them one day!

The Gmen enjoying their shuttle ride!

I went to my Pop's funeral in Wales when they were five and brought them back duvets and these covers.

Perfect for their room that we had painted for them.

And then Nathan came along to have some space fun, but his room became dragons for me!

Having fun at the Air Force Museum in Ohio.

A different kind of space - our great room before and after getting new furniture.

Nathan has lots of space in the outfield in baseball.

I can't resist this cutie!

Sadly, I don't have any space stitching to show, I'm not sure how that happened!

This Friday the word is Mirror.
Are there any words you would like to see being added?

Sunday, 2 May 2021

Scavenger Photo Hunt - April ๐Ÿ“ท๐ฉ‘๐ฉ‘โญ˜

 Welcome to the fifth word of the Scavenger Photo Hunt for April, even though it's May now! This week's word is -

The Gmen in a bubbly hot tub at the beach.

Same beach, but Baby Nathan in beach bubbles.

Nathan showing my Momma how the bubble gun works.

Sweet fairy with her bubble that glows in the evenings.

Ahh, refreshing beer bubbles.

My beautiful Mermaid in my craft room with her sea bubbles.

Spike taking a "bubble bath" with marshmallows!

My most recent photo is from this weekend, one of my favourite places in Ellicott City. You can even see the bubble shadow.

Some more mermaids swimming in the ocean. I made this for my SIL and nieces, they all have blond hair so I changed them to match.

Now I need to see what bubbles the others have posted.
See you next week for Space?