Friday, 31 July 2020

Scavenger Photo Hunt, July πŸ“·

After this heat wave we've been having, you wouldn't think it was July's last day with rain and temps in the low 70's this morning. But I'll take it if it means a break from what it's been.
And the end of the month now means it's time for Katie and her I live, I love, I craft, I am me ... scavenger photo hunt.

The words for July are...

Something purple...
Our Hostas are a little out of control, but when they bloom it's worth it.

Shades of green...
This from from our walk on Father's Day last month. There are so many shades of green, I had to repost it.

Starts with F...
Friend or Foe?

Foe, oh no! And part of his wing has already been chewed by Chewie.

And more Friends - The Gmen and S have been friends since they started high school eight years ago, and today S is moving to Wisconsin for a new job. So Farewell for now to S in starting his new adventure, wishing him all the best!

Still life...
At least until the lights go out and they're all alone?!
I love Toy Story and might need a bigger display if/when I get more.

Snapped at this moment...
Ming this morning in her safety spot from Chewie, giving him the evil eye with the help of the flash.

My own choice...
A very busy bee indeed!
This lilac hibiscus is outside my craft room window and is very pretty to look at, inside and out.

And that's how July ends, please go have a look at what others have posted this month.


Threads through my life said...

Love the hosta flowers but to me they signify that summer is drawing to a close.... I don't try to grow hibiscus here as I suspect they would not survive the winter. Your begins with F made me smile - thanks. Take care.

Jak said...

How lovely to see a hibiscus we often had hibiscus hedges in Southern Africa where we lived till 2000. My three different hostas have been flowering too but one has been badly chomped on by slugs. I love your Toy Story collection but best of all has to be Ming. I love cats, especially Siamese, but we live too near a main road.

Evi said...

Oh your hosta's are beautiful! I like a slightly overgrown, rambly and wild garden and would have all my plants just making themselves at home wherever they like!! Unfortunately that means my gardens always look overgrown and messy...sigh...
Right now I dont have a garden at all though and must live vicariously through all my northern friends and your colourful summer blooms!

kjsutcliffe said...

Thank you for sharing your photo and stories :) I pick my hosta flowers and they last well in water. Their stems are not as long as yours though - so they tend to sit in a smaller jug with a few other flowers from the garden x

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I always enjoy your scavenger hunt photos and these are no exception. My favourite has to be Chewie nipping at the dragon's tail.

Clicky Needles said...

Love Chewie and the dragon. Your hostas are looking really good, mine too are suffering from slugs now. I had a very similar hibiscus in Illinois last summer when I was there, back in UK for now. CN x

Tigermouse said...

Love the evil eyes on Ming, and a very pretty shades of green shot but my favourite has to be the first friend or foe one :)

Sheryl said...

Always enjoy seeing your Scavenger photos, Love the shades of green photo and the Toy story display.

Katie said...

Great photos. Thanks for sharing!!

shazza said...

Lovely photos. I too have a hosta in my garden, though not as nice as yours.Also have a black lab and a kitty cat. :)

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Lovely photos again, shame about the poor little dragon!
Those greens are beautiful.