Saturday, 28 September 2019

Scavenger Photo Hunt, September πŸ“·

Bring on September and those beautiful colours! It's time for Katie's I live, I love, I craft, I am me ... scavenger photo hunt this month.

The words for September are...

I do have pictures of some cool cobwebs, but this is a cool one too. And it even glows in the dark! This was a fun stitch and I have it out year round.

Changing Foliage
This was taken several years ago in Cumberland, MD, as I was driving to my parents house. I had to pull over to take it. I loved all the colours and it was October, perfect as a Halloween picture.

When aren't these two snuggling and cosy together?!

Scarf (scarves)
The rival teams - Redskins vs Cowboys.
I made the Skins for my sister-in-law and the "Girls" for my chosen sister, Cori. I guess you can which team I prefer?!

I do love baking, but this time of year it's time for baked pumpkin donuts. I made this the four years the Gmen played football in high school, every Thursday afternoon for the team dinner before their games on Friday. I can honestly make them now and not want to eat one!

My own choice
Here's my parents precious Addie, she loves leaves too. I can't wait to see her run around in them when they all start to really come down!

I can't believe September is almost over and it will finally be October... bring it on! πŸŽƒπŸ‘»πŸ•·πŸ‚
I'll be catching up on reading the other blog posts tomorrow, I hope you take a look too.

See you next month?

Friday, 27 September 2019

Friday's Stitching Ground πŸ‚

Today's stitching ground brought me to the enclosed porch with some company! Although Ming is enjoying the sunshine by herself.

I'm still plugging away on this and loving it.

Quick question, does anyone have this pattern I could borrow? Or rather, my girl, Karen? Her Mom started this and Karen can't find the pattern. Dear Judy died unexpectedly last November, so Karen can't ask her where it is and would like to finish it. We know it's Little House Needleworks and she thought it could have been in a book or magazine?

Thursday, 26 September 2019

The People Chose 🐝

Here's to the perfect end of the summer with Jo @ Serendipitous Stitchingand this time we're celebrating BEES🐝!

An oldie, but a goodie - Cottage Garden Sampling, My Garden Journal. I just wished I had stitched it smaller.

And here's this little cutie from The Snowflower Diaries, Joyful World. The series is still out there as a freebie if you're interested.

I made this for my Momma, it came from Hobby Lobby.

After the last one, I got stung by the bee and got this one to stitch from Little House Needleworks.

Then I saw this one from Hinzeit and had to get it! I changed the banner colour, I thought the original was too bland for my liking.

And thanks to Jo stitching this one, Gathering Honey, I started it but have yet to finish. I haven't made it to be bees yet, but the hive is there, they must still be inside!

This is another one I still need to finish, Celebrate Summer by The Sweetheart Tree.

Here's one I have, but haven't started yet.

These are Nora Corbett's Miss Honey Bee and Miss Queen Bee, they were model stitched by Melanie the WIP Slayer. Aren't they gorgeous?! I can't decide which one I'd rather stitch... or maybe both? I'm thinking of using the honeycomb fabric when I do.

Finally, some words to remember...

So buzz on over to see Jo and the other blogs if you haven't already.
Next month - cats! Although I know I have more cat photos than stitched pieces.

Friday, 20 September 2019

Friday's Stitching Ground πŸ”₯

I was stitching earlier this afternoon and this was the look I got from Maximus - how dare I stitch without him.

This evening it was bonfire time with DH and Nathan, it's the perfect weather for it. It's been so nice and cool at night, open window with a slight breeze = fine sleeping weather!

Then I came back inside to do laundry and sit and stitch, this time Max decided to join me. Still stitching away on this one, a little bit every day.

And here's Ming giving us the stink eye because Max sat on her earlier and squeezed her out!

Back to the fire, are you able to enjoy them during the year? We missed having smores this time though.

More Happy Mail πŸŽƒ and a little hodgepodge

Another treat! I won this fabulous chart from Meg @ Live to StitchPlease take a look at her blog to see her awesome finish! It's at the framers now and she should have it back in October, lucky her!

And such a pretty card too. 
I'm going to wait until January to start, maybe I can get it done in record time like she did! Does anyone else have this pattern and not started it yet? SAL maybe?

Here's the hodgepodge...

I found this fabulous piece on marketplace this summer after I saw one that Karen had bought at a yard sale.
Can you believe she only wanted $12 for it?! I gave her $15 because I felt guilty for paying next to nothing for it.

The only problem was one of the wood pieces on the back was broken, but a friend who does woodworking fixed it for me. I love it, but still have to decide what treasures I want to put in there!

"You can do anything, but you can't do everything."
Written by Shirley in Maryland - cool!

I've got a box started to bring to one of the retreats I'm going to next month. These were the leftover magazines and patterns from the church picnic this summer. I also started cleaning up in my craft room and added a few more things.

How cool is this? I saw this in a shop and it's really cross stitched! They had other patterns, but I liked this one the best.

Friday, 13 September 2019

Friday's Stitching Ground 🍡

Wow, what a beautiful day to be outside!
Yesterday was a sticky 97Β°, disgusting! But today, a nice and cool 70Β°, absolutely gorgeous.
My day started out by visiting with my gf and her adorable baby this morning, then I met Gman1 and his gf, C, at the movies to watch IT Chapter 2. Not as good as the 1st one in my opinion, but I still liked it.

My next adventure was taking Nathan to a book sale after school at a nearby church, and I saw this book. Too bad it didn't come with the pattern!

Although they didn't have very many stitching books or magazines, I did see this one that I thought had a couple of cute patterns.

Then it was finally stitching time in the enclosed porch, with pumpkin tea and pumpkin cookies, delicious!
I've been stitching every day on this, but sometimes it's not very long. I'm loving it though!

I know I've asked before about what you like to drink while stitching, but how about what snack you like to have? It depends on my mood... today it was cookies!

Monday, 9 September 2019

Happy Mail! 😊πŸ“ͺ

And not just one, but two pieces of Happy Mail!
I won a giveaway from Lija AND Vickie, double the fun!

I received this adorable bag from Lija @ Stitching in Crosses and More...
It could be used as a makeup bag, but I don't want to get it dirty so I've decided to use it for my stitching goodies - scissors, needlecase, and ort container, it's perfect! Isn't she sweet? Thanks again, Lija, I love it!
FYI -The pattern is the Summer Witch freebie from The Snowflower Diaries.

I then received this fab pattern from Vickie @A Stitcher's Story. I'm just not sure if I should stitch it now, since it's September, or wait until the new year for next August. Thanks again, Vickie, such fun!

Friday, 6 September 2019

Friday's Stitching Ground 🐈

Although I did some stitching earler this afternoon, these were from this evening.
Some more progress on Autumn Things, with Ming keeping me company.

And here's Maximus pouting because Ming took "his" spot!

My drinking treat tonight, delicious Harvest Haze cider. And I'm loving my bottle koozie!

Last week before school started for Nathan, we finally celebrated Karen's birthday... from April! Her Dad came too, can you tell which one is his? Hint - he's a retired firefighter!
It's so hard to imagine what it will look like after it's fired since the colours all seem so dull.

I picked them up today and look at them now, they popped!

Here's Nathan mug, made in honour of Ming, and my Sugar Skull bowl.

This was also from this afternoon, they stole my seat after I got up from stitching. They always take the good spot!
Nathan wants to make a mug with Max on it next time.

Does anyone else enjoy doing pottery?
I'm no artist, but still enjoy painting as long as it's not freehand! This month has a Harry Potter theme and we might just have to join in.