Well, this is not where I expected to be stitching today, the hospital.
The Sweetheart Tree, Celebrate Summer.
On Tuesday, my parents dog died and on Thursday morning my Mom was taken to the hospital. They think she suffered a mild heart attack, probably from the upset of Tenny.
Here's the email my Dad send me...
Dear Astrid,
The unthinkable has happened and our beloved and darling Tenny is no longer with us. I took her down to the animal hospital at 8.30 a.m. and snuggled in my arms she was given an injection, and within two seconds at the most was gone and with her went a large part of us.
Our grief is devastating, as we have never loved a pet as much as we did Tenny, and she was our baby. As Mom said, "it is now just the two of us". Our lives will never be the same again with our little protector gone and for thirteen faithful years she has always been here for us. Who needed a security system when Tenny could hear everything. From the very day she entered our lives Tenny has never spent a night apart until tonight.
Tenny shared Mom's pain and suffering and was her constant and faithful companion. Those adoring big brown eyes some how helped to ease the pain. Through the year of hell (2018) Tenny's adoring little face greeted me every time I returned from the hospital or Lions and she gave me the strength to go on.
Mom will miss her beloved little friend when she attends chapel as Tenny was always there in the front pew. I have no reason now to go for walks and everywhere we look there are memories which will never fade.
Sleep well our beautiful and darling little girl, free from all pain and suffering. We will never forget the joy you brought into our lives from the first moment we cuddled you in Tennessee, blessing and enriching our lives.
Don't be afraid, little one, as you are in a better place, and one day we'll spend eternity walking happily once again on Route 66. God Bless, Tenny, and we shall always keep you close to our hearts, treasuring the years we had together.
Love, Mom, Dad but sadly no more our beloved Tenny xxx
I came to the hospital today instead of visiting tomorrow like I had planned. While I was there, Mom and Dad told me they want to get another Pekingese. So we started looking online, first for a rescue but weren't able to find one that was somewhat close or fit what they were looking for. Then for a puppy, and we found this sweet girl in "nearby" West Virginia. So it looks like they're getting her, and I might be picking her up at the end of the month for them. They have already named her, meet Addie. The significance of that name is that's what my younger brother used to call me when he was little because he couldn't say my name. Guess who'll be getting a dog sometime in the future - hopefully a long time from now!

Mom just melted when she saw her picture, so I hope it all works out and they get her like they are planning. She will definitely cheer them BOTH up, even though I know as a puppy she'll be a lot of work!
I'd like to stitch them a little something in memory of Tenny, so hopefully I'll find a pattern similar to her. I have a couple of books to look at at home, I think one might be in there.
Please say a prayer for my Mom (and Dad), she might be able to come home tomorrow, but most likely on Sunday. I'll be here until Sunday morning, so I can keep Dad company at night until she gets home.