Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Mother's Day weekend! ๐Ÿ’–

On Saturday I went to visit my Mama in rehab. They had a celebration for May birthdays and a bluegrass couple came and played. They brought their little girl and she kept everyone entertained. She was very interested in Inna, who was smaller than she was! Isn't she absolutely adorable? 

As we were going back to her room, the therapist was there to have Mom walk back to her room. Walk? She was practically running down the hall!  

So the beehive went to her for Mother's Day!
Do you ever make something not knowing who you're making if for? After this was finished, I realized it needed to go to my Mom. Dad is having a summer house built for her to come home to and this seemed appropriate. 

She loved it!

And she could be home in a week or so!

Sunday with my boys and kitties!

Gammy with the boys.

Godmother Tammy with the boys.

In spite of the weather, a beautiful Mother's Day!

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Red Hats! ๐Ÿ‘’

A couple of weeks ago, I surprised my Mom at the rehab center for their Red Hat Society Day tea. 
I ordered hats and scarves for Mom and her roommate, Gail, to wear since they didn't have any. Don't they look fancy?!

Snuggles for Momma! 

Look, she's standing!

Oh boy, my turn. Thanks Dad!

A quick pic before I left to go back home the next day.

More wonderful cards for my Momma! Thanks to those who sent her one.
They are slowing down, but that's okay, she might be home in two weeks! She's doing well, but had to have a stent placed in her foot last week because of a blockage. So now her foot doesn't hurt anymore and she's able to walk much better, but still with a walker. She was naughty earlier in the week, the nurse caught her coming back from the toilet without help and she almost fell!

Here's the recent card list.

From growing up - Kerri
From family - Brigitte, Monika, Jeanie, Terry
From friends she knows - Nina
And from my stitchy friends - JulieVickieMaggeeJoBrigitte

Thanks to ALL of you, they have definitely brightened her days receiving them. 

In stitchy news - 
This one is from the kit I bought on clearance at Hobby Lobby for 75ยข, Artiste Mini.

I ran out of the purple only because I chose to stitch the words all one colour. I also ran out of the yellow because the chart called for the honeycomb to be white (just a little hard to see, don't you think?!) even though the picture showed it as yellow. Since the colours weren't DMC, I did the best I could and you can't even tell the difference, yeah!

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

April fun

Wow, April was LAST month!
Easter, after church.

Gman1 and his gf, our first time meeting her. ๐Ÿ’•

After the egg and beer hunt, three happy guys!

Snuggle bunnies

Happy 20th, Gman2!

Happy 20th, Gman1!

These guys ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—

And they thought because we were in Baltimore that they wouldn't get their picture taken with the bday flag... silly boys!

G and C!

My Mom with them, soon after coming home from the hospital.

And in stitching news, Karen finished Cupid! Isn't he adorable? I'm not sure which one she's going to work on next.

I decided to frog the Kreinik in my lighthouse piece, I'm now using Treasure Braid as a tent stitch instead. So much easier already. 

Mom news later, but she's still receiving cards! ๐Ÿ˜