Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Celebrating 11! 🎉

Happy Birthday to Nathan!

Of course the day started with birthday donuts.

The birthday boys!

Gman1 came over for the afternoon and to join us for dinner.

The party truck with friends!

Don't look too close, but he's supposed to look a little rough, right?

On Monday at Lego League, they made him a cake, so sweet.

He was pleasantly surprised!

 Loving his Legos!


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Happy Birthday Nathan!
Lego is a cool present whatever your age, the same cannot be said for the Poo Hat LOL
Cake is good too and the party truck looks amazing. I have never heard of one of those before but what a great idea.

Vickie said...

Happy Birthday Nathan! It looks as though you had an amazing one!
You did a fine job on the Bobba Fett cake Astrid.

Barb said...

A very Happy Birthday to handsome Nathan. When my son was his age he loved Legos. In fact, he still plays with them with my grandson!!

Brigitte said...

Happy birthday to Nathan. And it seems he had cool birthday party.
Legos are timeless. When our grandson visits we always get the lego boxes down from the attic - the legos our own kids were playing with :)

Katie said...

Happy Birthday Nathan!

Too funny we just saw one of those video game trucks yesterday when we were out gathering our Thanksgiving goodies. Jeremiah is a serious gamer so of course thought it was very cool. I bet it was a hit at Nathan's party. We love Lego's too. Plus Star Wars so major thumbs up on the cake. Perfect to me!!

Julie said...

Belated birthday wishes to Nathan