Thursday, 18 July 2013

Winners all around!

Better late than never, I finally got my act together and picked out the two winners.  And I had to do it myself since my little assistant was in bed!

I think you need a cute picture!
And hey, look what I won from Carolyn, the "Count your Blessings" Travelling Pattern!  I actually received it before we left for vacation, but didn't have time to gather fabric and floss to start.  I'm planning on meeting DJ today so she can "approve" my colour choices and get started!  So get ready, once I'm finished it will be heading out to the next lucky winner.


Monday, 15 July 2013

Distractions, distractions, missing Alaska

My mind must still be in Alaska, I can't seem to get motivated to stitch OR blog!  It might be because it's supposed to be so hot here this week, I miss the cool weather and flying over the glaciers.
 This is our visit to the Taku Glacier Lodge via float plane.
Hoping to see bears! 

Fresh salmon cooking on the grill. ï»¿

 View from the lodge, that ice is a mile away.  This is also the ice they used for our drinks - after it was cleaned! 

 A bear!  She got chased into the tree so she wouldn't eat our salmon.
And here she is trying to get down, naughty bear. ï»¿

  Only after the grill is cleaned up, with no remaining food anywhere, is she allowed to eat the salmon oil mixed with sand - yuck! 

 And here comes Bubba, looking for his share! ï»¿
But share, he does not! 

 We were told they have to add sand every few days since the bears eat it all.
She came back when they started the grill for the next group coming in. 
So sad, it's time to go.  What a absolutely beautiful place, I'd love to come back.

Here's our ride, and what a ride!  Scenes from a plane to follow... soon.
 In honour of seeing the bears, I bought these while in Alaska. 
Just a reminder - Mermaid and applique give-a-way, hopefully tomorrow.
I've been trying to catch up on reading blogs, but it's kind of slow.  So just because I don't comment, please don't think I'm not reading them!  If I'm not following your blog, let me know so I don't miss anything. 
I think I like Feedly, what is everyone else using?

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

I found one!

I finally found a stitching shop in Alaska!  We were in Juneau today and there was a smallish area of cross stitching within a quilting shop.  It was just what I wanted, all Alaskan goodies!  This was the shop, Changing Tides.

Some of what they had...

Since we had seen two bears earlier that day, I thought these were perfect.

I loved the way this looked so I had to have it!

I really liked these as well, but maybe next time.

All for now, my phone is driving me crazy and I'm sure the 4G will be gone soon since we're sailing away from Juneau.  

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Alaska... beautiful!

$7.99 Goodies... and a Mermaid + give-a-way

Nathan and I met DJ (and finally got to meet her Mom, yeah!) a few of weeks ago at The Stitching Post.  I really didn't need anything, but because DJ picked out a surprise goodie bag, Nathan insisted that I do the same.  So I let him pick one out and he did a great job!  All this for only $7.99, what a deal!
Some Christmas goodies and flowers and such.
Floss!!!  And more smalls. 
 More Christmas and misc.
As thrilled as I was to have this included in my bag, can you believe I already have it?!  Maybe you do if you know my love of mermaids!  Anyway, I'm giving away this pattern, so leave me a comment and let me know if you'd like this...
 or this pattern.  As cute as this is, I can't sew and I know I'll never make it.

No restrictions, just let me know which one you would like to win if chosen.  I'll pick a winner in mid July.