... what a weekend! I was ever so lucky/blessed/humbled to be included in a stitching weekend at St. Michaels with DJ and friends!
Crossing over the Bay Bridge was no problem, but what should have taken about 1.5 hours ended up taking about four. An accident caused the backup, luckily no one was seriously hurt.
This is what four women bring with them on a stitching retreat!
Our views...
What fun, everyone had something to put in a goodie bag for each other. I felt like a kid again opening everything! 
In between the laughter, kidnapping, eating, and finding more things to stitch, this is what I worked on. But I can't believe I didn't have my Kreinik with me to finish my Trick or Treat Fairy! I brought every other DMC colour and that's what I forgot?!
Here's two of the videos we couldn't stop laughing over, take a look...
Worry about yourself... you drive! & Call me Maybe
Sadly, the weekend came to an end and we all had to sail away home... until next year!!!

Signed: Astrid aka Ingrid, Ostrich, Astro, or even Ethel.
Good for you! What a great time, with beautiful views. Ack! I don't think I could cross that bridge!
Lovely pictures! Looks like you all had a great time :)
So happy you had such a great weekend - you know it was good when you need an oath to protect the adventures you had! LOL.
Also - I love that boatfull of flowers. I need to find myself an old boat!
Looks like you had a great weekend Astrid.
Oh Astrid, your post is so much better than mine!! Thank you so much for going with us this year, it wouldn't have been the same without you!! Only 358 days til the next one!! *Hugs* You ROCK!! (the boat anyway)
Omg all that luggage! I bet only one tiny bag is clothing and the rest is stitching stuff!
Looks like an amazing weekend? I haven't been on a retreat for many years, I really feel left out reading about the great time you all have been having just lately :-(. At least you all share the nice photos so I can virtually take part.
I prefer the boat with flowers because i don´t like lakes, boats and seas. LOL
Great weekend and lovely pictures!!!
What a fun weekend you had with your stitching buddies!
Love the boat used for a planter.
Thanks for sharing.
Looks like a lot of fun!
It sounds like an amazing trip! I bet you had tons of stitchy fun :D
The packed bags look like our retreat... and there were only 4 of us... oh wait, that would be a photo of MY bags only LOL
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