Nothing like posting late, this was in October! But at least it's still in the same year.
Hershey's motto is "sharing goodness."
What a great way to spend a stitching retreat!
This retreat was hosted by Linda and Annette @LinAnn Events. It's always a great time with them and what a great group of stitchers!
That's my kind of house!
Just a little bit of a maze in the hotel, but I found the stitching room!
A clean table (for now) with treats. I brought what I'm calling, Dead Fred, feeding him floss so we won't have to frog!
The goodie bag and sweet gifts from friends.
One of pieces I was working on.
We went to all five haunted houses, such fun!
Our crazy funtastic stitching table.
Saturday night escapades with the white elephant exchange. The word was BRISK.
My original choice was stolen, so I thought I'd be brave and take the totally unknown!

This is what was inside.
I have never done embroidery before, but it looks like I need to give it a try. I know my Momma liked it, so I might too. Of course the mug will come in handy, and especially the little travel light. And candy, can't forget the candy!
This is what I put together in my ghost. I used an empty plastic vinegar container with a hole in the back, with a "prettified" plunger to hold up the ghost.
I won for one of the most creative... amazing fabric from Needlework with Jim.
Plenty of shopping with... Needlework with Jim, Annette with Mind Your Needle, Janice at Noteworthy Needle, Trish Vine Designs, and Jean Farish Needleworks.
This was at the freebie table... dragons and Mill Hill!
I bought this fabric for this pattern I wanted to start.
Our group, and I'm already looking forward to next year's event!
Where I ended up finishing before putting it away for the season.
I'm already looking forward to next year!