Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Moving forward ❤

First of all, I want to again thank those who have left comments and/or messaged me otherwise about Chewie. I have received almost nothing but love and compassion.
Each day has gotten better, but I still think of him every day and am reminded of him all over the house and yard. Maximus has been sitting in three of the places that Chewie liked to sit when the sunbeams came through the doors/windows. Maybe he misses him just a little bit?
Nathan's chin is doing better, no more stitches. Although he does have a lump there, possibly from the skin? He might need to see another Dr about it, we'll have to give it more time to heal but hopefully it will settle down. He really is a sweetheart, he continues to ask me if I'm okay, giving me snuggles and hugs.

I've decided to take a break from this piece for now, so here's where I've left it.
I have a Mill Hill kit to work on for now until I decide what I want to pick up again.

This sweet girl is always happy to see me when I visit my parents and she loves when I play with her and her critters. She really is a darling little thing.

Having fun with my Momma, 

and Dad is a hoot trying to get Addie's attention for photos!

Dad took this one as he was hiding in the chapel, but Addie saw him coming out.
Ignore that ugly backhoe in the background, my parents are filling in their pool and it's not finished yet.

And once again, I'm behind on reading and commenting on blogs, I'll do my best to catch up again.

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Missing Chewie 💔

 Chewbacca aka Chewie, joined our family on Mother's Day, 2000. 
He came from Shreveport, Louisiana, in a van full of pups including himself and five siblings. He was six months old and we were picking him up to foster him. Well, we became foster failures and kept him. 

Initially everything was fine, we took him to training and he was doing well. Then the food aggression started and growling began. One evening I was standing near him after I gave him his food, but not too close, and he apparently didn't like that. Out of nowhere, he jumped up at me and bit me on the side of my face/chin area. Thankfully, it wasn't too bad, but still scraped up and bruised, not very pretty.
He then went to boot camp with DH's cousin who was just opening up dog training at their place, Mason Dixon K9. He did really well there, and they were great with him, but they never saw his nasty side.

For whatever reason, he would growl at Gman2 and even went as far as to follow him as he walked by to go upstairs and ending up nipping/biting him on his hand while it was in his pocket.
You also couldn't approach him in his bed unless you could read his signs that it was ok. Now this didn't happen all the time, but enough that it was best just to leave him alone there.
He also was very attached to me and when I wasn't there, mainly because I was helping out my parents, he would growl at Nathan or the Gmen if they tried to get him out of his crate. He would sometimes even do it to DH.
We did try to rehome him, stating that he had bitten before, but no interest whatsoever. Maybe that was for the best, I'd feel terrible if he hurt someone else.

Last Thursday night, Chewie and Pepper (we were dog sitting for my MIL) were playing together in the great room and Nathan was on the ottoman watching them. Out of nowhere, Chewie growled and lunged at him, biting him on the chin. Nathan thought he just nipped him until we saw blood and it didn't look good. I ended up taking Nathan to urgent care and he needed four stitches.
Needless to say, we couldn't take any more chances, with us or anyone else. What if that had been a friend of ours, or one of Nathan's friends? Chewie was just too unpredictable. Whatever was wrong with his thought process or brain function was not fixable.
The next day, DH and I took him to the vet to have him put down. That was one of the hardest decisions we've made, but we knew we couldn't risk him hurting anyone else. We stayed with him until the end, it was awful and heartbreaking, I was sobbing over him and holding him until he went. The vet and assistant were so compassionate and caring during such a terrible time for us.
Even now I miss him every day and the house just doesn't seem quite right without him. He was great 95% of the time, but that 5% was really nasty. If you had seen that part of him, you would have been scared too.
And come to find out, I now know six other people who had to put their dogs down for the same reason, and one who is hoping she doesn't have to do the same to her dog.

Thoughts of Chewie...

I miss his "smiling", crinkly nose, toothy face greeting me in the morning and whenever I came home.
I miss his wiggle butt and non-stop wagging tail when he was happy.
I miss his silky soft ears that would flop around when playing or running.
I miss seeing and hearing him sleeping in his bed, especially when he was chasing something in his dreams.
He loved sitting in the warm sun.
He loved sitting at the end of the sofa to wait for Ming to go by.
He loved chasing after his toys and playing keep away.
He loved chewing sticks and recently, digging in the dirt/mulch.
He loved carrots, apples, and pretty much any other food he was offered.
He loved playing with Zoom and Milo.
He loved his snuggles with Daddy and Nathan.
He loved going for walks or a hike, except for the car ride getting there!
He liked watching our "shifty" neighbours behind us in case they were up to no good.
He patiently waited for popcorn to drop when it was popping or "accidentally" dropped.

The things I didn't like? His unpredictable growling, and ultimately, his biting. 
Oh Chewie, if only you were smart enough to know how much we loved you, but couldn't risk you hurting anyone else.

But I'm going to remember the good times with him, there were lots more of those...

Coming home from pick up, he was just a bit scared. OMGoodness, he smelled so bad, poor boy.

Home at last.

First thing we did when he came inside, a bath!

His first meal, before he became food aggressive.

Loving his new bone and bed.

Ming being brave and saying hello.

Already falling in love with him.

He loved his Lambie too.

Playing nice with Gman2.

Too bright, he's trying to sleep.

He enjoyed his walks.

One of his favourite toys.

Enjoying the sun AND the dirt.

We found out he liked playing with a couple of dogs at a time, not a whole beach of them!

Howling for Howloween!

He loved playing in the snow.

Rare quiet time with Ming, she liked to tease him and have him chase her.

Playing with his brother, Zoom. DH's best friend and family adopted him soon after we got Chewie.

Family photo last year, minus kitties.

Now this is NOT his mean face, this is his smiling face! His crinkley nose and teeth showing was him saying good morning to me when I came out of the bedroom. You can see how happy he was with his wagging, blurry tail. I miss this ugly sweet smile.

This is how I hope he is now, basking in the sunshine, happy with no worries.

The mixed blessing is that Maximus has finally come out of the bedroom to sit with me again, and today he greeted me when I came home from the store. Made me happy, but sad at the same time, still shedding tears for Chewie. And to those who knew this before now, thank you so much for your support and sympathy, it really means a lot.

Tuesday, 1 March 2022

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus!

It's that time of year again, Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus!
That's Happy St. David's Day to those who don't know Welsh. 😉
"Saint David, or Dewi Sant, as he is known in the Welsh language, is the patron saint of Wales. He was a Celtic monk, abbot and bishop, who lived in the sixth century. During his life, he was the archbishop of Wales, and he was one of many early saints who helped to spread Christianity among the pagan Celtic tribes of western Britain." There's a mini lesson for you!

This is me, taken in Wales before we moved to the states in 1969.

This year's display.

The Welsh love spoon my Nana Nesta and Pop gave us when we got engaged.

They also gave me this one when I turned 18 in the UK.

These are a couple "oldies".

I made this one for my Dad a few years ago.

I added the Welsh Dragon to this March stitch.

Another oldie, Nathan enjoying the Welsh cakes he helped me make! I haven't made any yet this year, I think I'll wait until I see my parents so they can enjoy them too.

My daffodils have never bloomed in time.

But this one is from April years ago.

The Welsh flag flying high at my parents house.

With Pop, visiting family in Maesteg, they still live there.

My Dad just recently received this photo from a relative in Wales. This is my grandparents grave at Llangynwyd Church. He added the * where it's written in Welsh. (Although it's not that hard to figure out!)

I think since tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, I might make some Welsh Rarebit, Leek and Potato Soup, and Bara Brith for dinner... we'll see!