Welcome to the fourth word of the Scavenger Photo Hunt for April. This week's word is -
Lots of dirt for Nathan to play on! This was from getting ready to build our new home seven years ago.
Now these next two photos were not taken by me, but pertains to mine.Covering the grass was the bottom part of a trampoline that had been taken apart. When they (dear friends of ours), pulled it back, this is what they found.
Photo credit, Brian V |
Lots and lots of tunnels!
Photo credit, Brian V |
While getting rid of rocks in our yard, this is what I was finding all over the place, more tunnels.
This is one my DH took last week in our yard, one of the culprits!Welcome to the world of the Cicada, due to dig their way out of the earth in our area in the next month. Cicadas are a large insect with long transparent wings and beady eyes, they only come out every 17 years . The male cicada makes a loud shrill droning noise by vibrating two membranes on its abdomen, and they are LOUD! The last time they were here, we couldn't even talk on the on phone outside. I'll have to record them when they're in full force so you know what I'm talking about.
Here's an old photo I took years ago, although not a very good one.
When they came out in 1987 (yikes!), my older brother came to pick me up to take me for a motorcycle ride. It was a hot day and I was totally not thinking and wore shorts. Wrong outfit! We were on the highway, going way too fast since he liked to scare me, having those darn Cicadas hit me full force on my legs and arms, OUCH! Thankfully we were wearing helmets, but then they just splattered on the visor, disgusting! DH does have a motorcycle, but luckily? we haven't been on it in years.
They have estimated that in Maryland, for every acre, 1.5 MILLION of these little suckers will be coming out of the ground. We have an acre, but maybe when we rebuilt our house we disrupted a good bit of them? We'll see!
They are harmless to us, but they could be destructive to our trees when the females burrow their eggs in the branches.
Here's Chewie, resting in the dirt that is waiting to be covered in mulch. He might be waiting for the Cicadas to emerge, the Lab I knew in '87 loved to eat them! 🤮
Here's just some of the rocks I've been collecting in our yard while cleaning it up. They are coming up just about everywhere, so I've moved them to our new "rock garden."
Now this is a fun way to plant, perfect when you live near the water!
Here is our planet earth that I stitched for Nathan's 1st Communion quilt at school, with Ming and Maximus keeping me company while stitching.

That's it for April, be sure to look and see what the others have posted for their Earth photos. OOPS, one more week in April, get your Bubble photos together!
Ready for May?
May 7th Space
May 14th Mirror
May 21th Rain
May 28th Music