Ah, family, gotta love them!
We were so lucky to have my older brother, sister-in-law, and nephew come visit us after Christmas. Baton Rouge, LA, is just too far away for regular visits!
Enjoying a drink, snuggling with kitties and watching a Christmas movie, what could be better?! I was even working on her little stocking.
The next day, we went to visit our younger brother and his family. Great afternoon, I wish we could do it more often!
For Christmas, the Gmen gave me my first official New Orleans Saints jersey. My brother was very proud! Too bad they didn't do very well, but there's always next year.
After they left, we went to Historic Ellicott City to walk around and visit the shops. Here are the boys walking over the bridge.
Way back at the end of July, there was a flash flood that devastated the town. You can read about it here. Just heartbreaking. So much damage in such a short amount of time.
My stitching friend, Elizabeth, came with me a week or so later to see what we could see and take a walk on the trail. The main street was closed, this is what we saw from the other side.
The bridge itself was damaged. This is the other side of the road that the boys were on in the above picture.
These are only a couple of the cars from the street or parking lots that were taken with the flow of the water.
This is what the clock looked like before the flood.
A kayaker found it after the flood while he was helping out.
It's back up, but obviously still needs repair.
I did manage to find some things in the shops there, support your local business! Unfortunately, not all of the shops are open, they are still renovating quite a few of them.
This is one of my favourite go-to places, so I'll be back.
Next time...
cleaning up and organizing this mess!