
Friday 25 October 2019

Another Retreat... Stitchfest 2019! 🧵

I attended another fun retreat last weekend, Stitchfest 2019. I was planning on going on my own, but a spot opened up and my friend Denise was able to grab it and join me.
I still think it was a little strange to see swans in the hotel lobby, but they were fun to see. Don't get too close to them though, one of them hissed at me for doing so!

So tempting, more patterns to look at and want.

I'm thinking it was good thing my back was to all of them!

Alas, in other section of patterns I found these and couldn't resist. I'll see about stitching it time for next Halloween.

There were two finishing tables and so many lovely pieces. Maybe next year I'll add to it if I can get my act together.

And then there was a freebie table, I brought the box from the last retreat and then forgot it when I left. Sorry Stephanie! I hope maybe it was donated afterwards? 

I did find some treasures, because I obviously don't have enough stash. 😉

On Saturday, we had a project bag exchange that included the bag and kitting up a freebie. Such fun!

Since I wasn't smart enough to buy a project bag at the last retreat, I decided I would attempt to make one.
So with Karen giving me some of her Mom's fall fabric, I actually put together this... all by myself! This was supposed to be the tester one and it was rather small, but I loved the way it turned out. It was more like a pencil case and now Nathan wants one. Unfortunately, when I went to make the bigger bag, my iron died so I couldn't make it. And so much for asking a neighbour to borrow one since I'm aka Last Minute Lucy!
I did have another bag that I put it in though, so I guess it worked out and it can at least hold floss and accessories.

No stealing in this game, which was a good thing since I was #5 and I chose the dragon bag, what a surprise!

There's a big smile hiding behind there.

This is what was inside, what a treat!
I received this from Lynn, who is Jan's @ Stitching Cats sister, small world. Thanks so much, Lynn, I love it all!
Jan figured out that we followed each other's blogs, I'm so glad she did. She hasn't blogged in a while, but promised me should would, and she did! I also saw Minnie @All XX's, and hopefully she'll post sometime soon too. I'm sure we'll all see each other again in the near future for some stitching days.

Here's our group of stitchers, they made for a great weekend!

And here's our table, including Stephanie @ OhSewCrafty! Thanks to Stephanie for organizing a fantastic weekend! I'm already looking forward to next year.

Oooh, look who joined us, Jamie! I'm sure he was honoured to display my "so close to being finished" piece.

For the first time in three weeks, I'll be home this weekend. Unless I can find something else to take me away?!


  1. What fun! And such nice free stash you got!! And great dragon bag!! I spotted Minnie back there!;)

  2. Definitely looks like a ton of fun - and such happy faces in the group photos. I'd love that dragon bag too (not that I like dragons or anything of the sort!)

  3. Astrid: What a fun looking group.
    I love the bags, nice contents in your bag.
    Totally love your new stash.


  4. This looks so fun. I think I'd struggle to resist if patterns were with me in the room the entire time! Yay to you getting the dragon bag - such a lovely idea to do a bag swap x

  5. Looks like another fun stitching get together Astrid. So close to a finish.


  6. What a wonderful time you had! You were very restrained not to purchase more of those lovely charts on offer. Here's looking forward to your next retreat! :)

  7. So many temptations ! Which is cuter, your stitched piece or Jamie!!??

  8. Looks like a fun time indeed. Just love the dragon bag of course!!

  9. aw, you met Stephanie AND Minnie! I am so envious. Looks like another wonderful retreat.

  10. It looks like a fun retreat and you got some great stash. i have the haunted mansion one, but of course i haven't started it yet.


*How to Train your Dragon*
[riding on Toothless's back with Hiccup]
Astrid: All right, I admit it. This is pretty cool. It's... *amazing*. He's amazing.

Thanks for all your amazing rawrs!
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