
Wednesday 14 February 2024

Secret Stitching Sweetheart Blog Hop 💝

Ready for some stitching 💘?!
Take a look at Jo @Serendipitous Stitching's blog to see who else is sharing the love today.
Can you figure out who sent what stitched piece?
Be sure to leave a little love note. 💌

This is what I received, a sweet little LOVE pillow. I love how it looks stitched on black fabric with the pink and green.
I have no clue who this belongs to, is it you?

What kids really think of Valentine's Day...

"It's like where it's basically you give people cards, and it's "be nice to everybody" day. Like if you see a stranger on the street, you can say, 'Hi.'" — Aki, 7

"It's also known as St. Chocolat Day." — Gabriela, 12

Saying hi and having chocolate? Yes, please!
And remember, smiles are free ~ share some today. 🥰

Thank you, Jo. For another year of sharing our love of stitching with each other. 🪡❤️


  1. I like it!! But I didn't send it LOL.

  2. Astrid: It is a lovely Valentine pillow.
    Oh my I love the kids idea of Valentines day.


  3. Happy Valentine's Day...beautiful pillow on the black!

  4. Kids say the darndest things! LOL!! Very sweet pillow, sadly it's not mine. Happy Valentine's Day!

  5. Nice pattern, perfect black fabric. Not my picture. Joyeuse Saint Valentin ! xxx

  6. Looks very sophisticated on the black, not mine but I do like it.

  7. Very pretty on black fabric! Still searching for mine! Happy Valentine's Day!!

  8. Ah! Okay, I confess. C'est moi! Hope everybody has a lovely pink day!

  9. Thanks for taking part in the Secret Stitching Sweetheart Blog Hop this year.
    This photo was so beautifully staged.
    Nice to know what's important about St Chocolate Day too!

  10. Oh, that's gorgeous on the black fabric! Beautiful.

  11. Lovely stitching from Erica, Happy Valentine's Day

  12. Thai is lovely stitched on the black. Very nice.

  13. Hi Astrid. It's not my work, but it's a nice and sweet stitch made of black fabric.
    I also like my sons’ voice. Opinions seem to differ depending on age.
    In Japan, it was considered a day for woman to confess their love to men by giving them chocolates. But these days, woman Sometimes buy themselves as a daily treat.
    (After I became an adult, I realized that Valentine’s Day In Japan is a strategy of candy manufacturers.😨)
    Happy Valentine.💝

  14. Happy Valentines Day. Lovely stitchy gift.

  15. My goodness, whoever stitched that beautiful design must have good eyesight because stitching onto black is really hard. So pretty!

  16. St Chocolate Day - love it! And love that stitching too. Happy Valentine's!

  17. That piece is so pretty! I like the answer St. Chocolat day!


*How to Train your Dragon*
[riding on Toothless's back with Hiccup]
Astrid: All right, I admit it. This is pretty cool. It's... *amazing*. He's amazing.

Thanks for all your amazing rawrs!
FYI - If you don't have an email address listed, I can't respond to you directly. You can always email me your email address if you don't want it out there for all to see!