
Wednesday 7 December 2022

Day 7 of the Advent Calendar🎄

Welcome to day...

 and to Jo @Serendipitous Stitching's Online Advent Calendar this year! Follow along to see what others have posted.

Our question this year is, "What's for afters?"
Here's a clue.

Although we just call it Christmas Pudding. And like Jo, we add Brandy and light it, as you can see in this video with my Dad.

We don't have custard with it, but whipped cream with sugar and more Brandy!
Don't you love the 70's yellow kitchen?

We also enjoy my Dad's homemade mince pies, with more of that delicious whipped cream.

My sweet Momma used to make Apfelkuchen before her hands got too bad. Dad makes it now for special occasions, but we still miss her magic touch.

Another treat we enjoy. I think my Dad ordered some this year and I'm on the hunt for it around here at a special store I need to go to.

And the last "after" we have are the sugar cookies! Since the guys in my family don't really enjoy Christmas Pudding or mince pies, this is their favourite. I bake, they decorate, perfect!

Small cheer and great welcome makes a merry feast! —William Shakespeare

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season filled with family, friends, laughter, and making memories.


  1. Oh that is a selection box of Christmas Stitching and "afters" mmmmmm

  2. So many desserts, I wish we could order a sample of each. The Nanny magic touch is always a great memory, better than our old wallpapers color! Thanks for sharing all this fun with us. Stitching food patterns is great but can have a big effect on our appetite. Joyeuses fêtes de Noël ! xxx

  3. Thanks for taking part in the Advent Calendar Blog Hop this year with two delicious stitched treats for us!
    That was a good slug of brandy on the pudding! My Mum always holds a spoon over the pudding, pours the brandy into the spoon, hold for a moment to warm the brandy, then pour, lick the spoon, light the brandy! That way it doesn't burn the pudding LOL
    I do love an apple dessert myself. And a tin of Quality Street!

  4. I'm with your guys in not caring for Christmas pudding or mince pie and for sure I'd be more than happy with the sugar cookies.

  5. I have never had Christmas pudding... I may have to try it.

  6. Nice to see your Christmas photos and read your happy Christmas memories.
    The food all looks delicious, and such pretty stitcheries. 😁🙋‍♀️👍
    Happy Christmas to you and yours.
    Barbara xx

  7. Merry Christmas Astrid: Yummy looking desserts, the boys are adorable and the cookie decorating is something all children love doing.
    Sweet ornaments.


  8. Forgot to tell you the video is so cute; I would have had the same reaction.


  9. A wonderful post. Thank you for sharing.

  10. The plum pudding looks so rich, but I'd love to try it! One of these mince pies too. Sugar cookies I can do myself :D

  11. What lovely memories and photos you have shared with us. Love all your desserts, all very tempting. Happy Christmas.

  12. Your post was so full of warm memories it made me smile ! So nostalgic and homey!
    Enjoy your holidays this year and all your yummy desserts!

  13. Cute little stitchery!! What 'sweet' traditions you've recalled for us!!! :)

  14. Plum pudding and Christmas memories, such a lovely post. Merry Christmas 🎄

  15. Thanks for sharing. Lovely post.

  16. Merry Christmas! All those treats look delicious.

  17. So many fun desserts! And love seeing the photos, we had a yellow living room. :) Merry Christmas!


*How to Train your Dragon*
[riding on Toothless's back with Hiccup]
Astrid: All right, I admit it. This is pretty cool. It's... *amazing*. He's amazing.

Thanks for all your amazing rawrs!
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