
Tuesday 12 May 2020

A different kind of Mother's Day - 🦴

Just what I wanted to do on Mother's Day, wake up at 3:45am...

To arrive here at daybreak...

To to get this frightened little guy to foster... all totally worth it.

He is a six month old Labrador that came from Shreveport, Louisiana. He's supposedly part Rhodesian Ridgeback, but I'm not seeing it.
We decided to foster since I'm not sure we're I'm ready to adopt and this is the best way to find out. His given name is Howard, which is what we have to list him as when he's up for adoption (unless we decide to keep him.) But Nathan wanted to name him Chewy for Chewbacca. Or maybe it should spelled Chewie?

OMGoodness, he smelled SOOO bad, poor little guy! A bath was a must as soon as we got home. DH washed him x3 and the water finally became clear.

He was still a little scared, but at least he smelled better! 

He was a hungry guy, luckily the bowl slowed him down a little.

Ming was brave and put him in his place, letting him know who's boss around here! But Maximus was nowhere to be seen and is still in partial hiding.

 We've all been good at being safe, so Gman1 joined us for the day. He made my requested dinner, spinach lasagna, and Gman2 got the salad together.
Here we are getting ready to enjoy the cupcakes from Kupcakes and Co. that I picked up the day before for Mother's Day. I had the strawberry and champagne one, delicious!

Later that evening I was stitching and had some company, this sweet boy.

Everything was great until bedtime/crate time. I guess it was rough traveling like he did to get here in a van full of other dogs in crates and he was in one with two other dogs, maybe his siblings?
He barked/howled for 45 minutes before settling down, waking up a very unhappy Nathan after midnight.
On Monday morning DH woke up to this and asked if I had pulled out the tray. Nope, Chewie did that all by himself! And he pulled the cover off the top, tore it, and made it very difficult to get out.

I have been taking him out about every 1 1/2 hours, and yet he still had an accident on the carpet. I couldn't clean it up straight away since I had to take him outside. When we got back in, he got in the trash when I was getting it out to clean up his mess. He was quick and snatched a cupcake wrapper that had coffee grounds on it which ended up all over the kitchen floor. Ah yes, fun times.

I had to put his bed next to me because, you know, he's my new appendage! But Ming is still queen and got to sit with me. He's not allowed on the sofas, although I think he'd like to try.

I don't know who's worse, Chewie for "chasing" after her, or Ming who likes to tease him by coming out and talking to him! I think it's Ming. And Maximus is still hiding out in the bedroom.

He's really is a cutie and has such potential. As long as he can be good with the kitties, he might just have to stay with us! How can you resist this precious face with his little Lambi?


  1. Aww, Chewie is precious! I think you know what I think! Time will let you know. How funny. We get a cat and you get a dog! ;) Good luck with him. Puppies are HARD WORK!

  2. Ohhhhh I love dogs so you know I'm tickled you are "fostering" this adorable puppy. How fantastic of you to give him a loving home....hopefully. He will settle. Give him time.

  3. awwwwww - I'm sure he's a keeper! Once he learns his manners he'll be wonderful. Lucky you!

  4. He's got a lovely face. Fingers crossed he'll settle and be a good boy for you. I guess he's just testing the boundaries. Perhaps Ming will teach him your 'house rules'

  5. I think it's lovely you could have all your boys for Mother's Day. We still haven't reached the stage when we can add another household, but my brother did do a drop off and collect from a safe distance for his Birthday this weekend!
    Fostering is a good way to experiment with a new addition to the family!

  6. He really is just adorable. However, I do get that puppies are a bit like having a baby around so it does take patience. So funny about the cats. Our neighbors have a dog and cat who are the best of friends!

  7. Oh I love him! I am sure once he learns the house routine hs will calm down and stay out of the garbage and stop having accidents. He is just probably just a little scared and confused.

    He gets my vote to keep his name Chewie and stay with Ming and Max! Good luck!!

  8. Love your puppy Astrid.


  9. I'm not really a dog person but he is absolutely adorable. Our next door neighbours have just lost their 14 year old dalmation and are getting a puppy this weekend. They're also 'looking forward' to all the house training and sleepless nights. It's bound to calm down once he's settled in though. Good luck! :)


*How to Train your Dragon*
[riding on Toothless's back with Hiccup]
Astrid: All right, I admit it. This is pretty cool. It's... *amazing*. He's amazing.

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