
Wednesday 17 July 2019

The People Chose 🏁

This was a tough month to decorate the banner! Take a look at Jo @ Serendipitous Stitching to see what I'm babbling about.

This month is dedicated to finishing, so I'm going to show you some of the things I have on hand to use and then some finished pieces.

Some sparkly/seasonal ribbon

Some regular coloured ribbon

Plenty of beads and charms

Some of my fabric and felt

The "glue" that holds it all together!

Sometimes wood needs some painting or fabric needs some glitter.

And with all those magical embellishments, this is some of what I've come up with.

I made this one for an exchange.

This was the first one I made, also a type of exchange.

I think this was the first cube I made, for a friend's birthday.

This was for an exchange, but I don't know if it was ever received.

The one I made for my Momma.

And the tiny one I finally made for myself.

I guess you could say I like making cubes! This is another one for a friend's special birthday.

Adding some buttons to this one, I got this back even though it was a gift.

 Now this is one I haven't shown before. I made this for Cori's special birthday. This was one of those Target bags that was on sale months ago, I bought a few and this is the first one I stitched on.
No embellishments on this, but I just wanted to show the finish.
It was pretty easy to stitch, I used a bigger needle and used all six strands of floss. I didn't cut away the liner, just stitched over it and for the little bag I was fine with it.

This is a bookmark I made for Cori's sister for HER special birthday, she loves HP! I know you can't see it very well, but I ended up spraying glitter on the white areas. I thought it needed a little something and that was it!

And of course, the famous sleds! I just ordered more of these for Christmas gifts, so I need to get started on them.

 And this one I made with an Altoids tin, a little memo/prayer holder.

And of course I can't forget the Mill Hill finishes. These are the Halloween ones I have on my tree.

That's all for now, I know I have lots more but this was plenty!


  1. What a selection, all so lovely.
    The wooden bags are really fabulous and the Mill Hill tree looks tremendous!

  2. You have very creative finishes Astrid!

  3. Oh wow! What a great selection of interesting things! I am intrigued by the sled - thinking in terms of the fact that I need to get cracking on the 20+ ornies I need to get made before Christmas.

  4. I am truly impressed!! You have so many pretty finishes. Plus I love all those wonderful supplies!

  5. You are really talented! So many fantastic finishes!

  6. Wow! What a lovely post. I LOVE the wooden boxes. How perfect! I'm really into that kind of finish right now. I think it's fun to finish in different ways like that. I can't wait to get back to Hobby Lobby to check out those aisles. My bank account might be mad at me though haha.

  7. WOW!! Congrats on all of the absolutely stunning finishes Astrid. I love them all.


  8. Astrid your finishes are just fabulous. I wish I had access to such supplies to finish items like you did. Sorry that your gift came back to you.
    What is the design source for the Bee one?

  9. Thanks for taking part in The People's Choice this month.
    Some amazing finishes here, I remember the little dragon from the Valentine Hop. I love those wood baskets, that's a really nice way to finish something. The Hallowe'en Tree looks great too.

  10. BTW I can see Little Dragon Nathan at the top of the blog again!

  11. It never occurred to me to show the raw materials needed to finish projects; what an obvious oversight!
    You have made so many lovely and different projects over the years. I love the little charms on the Cookies cube, and the cube itself. Maybe one day I'll try something like that! :)

  12. Wow!!! You have been so busy and they all look totally amazing! Wow!!!

  13. Great stitches Astrid. Lots of work went into them but I know it was a lot of fun. RJ

  14. Wow! Astrid you are so organised!
    What a lot we need to make these finishes.
    I love all your finishes, but especially Bee Happy and the lovely one with the cat, for Lisa!
    It was a lot of fun to see this post.
    Barbara xx


*How to Train your Dragon*
[riding on Toothless's back with Hiccup]
Astrid: All right, I admit it. This is pretty cool. It's... *amazing*. He's amazing.

Thanks for all your amazing rawrs!
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